Sunday, 5 February 2012

Snow's up

5 February 2012

The snow arrived here with a vengeance last night.  At around 9.30 we had around 6" of the damned stuff.  I got this shot last night at 9.15 ...   

We are lucky here in Dorktown in that it tends not to hang around for too long and already it's well on the way to being gone.  That sounds terrible dunit - 'being gone' - ah well ;-)))

Master Kile should now be out in the cold building his snowman as his mum was saying he was hoping to do.  I told them not to call me to help, too bloomin lazy for games like that, besides, it too bloomin cold.  Jan is off to church so I wonder what sort of mischief I can get up to while she's gone ;-)))

There's woman complaining about the Prime Muppet pandering to the deputy Prime Muppet on everything that needs to be done in government.  She says that if the country had wanted a Liberal Euro-centric government they would have elected one.  Hmmm ... by the same token, they didn't really want a Tory government either did they or the Tories would have got a clear majority?  These people really do need to learn to keep their mouths shut at times, or at least to think before they speak.

Today's Sunday Express is a disaster!  Jan got up first and found it half in and out of the letter box.  The result is that its wet around the centre which made it hard work to read, not there was much in there today anyway.  I was interested in the Met wanting to talk to the Tapas 7.  Oh right?  Who the hell are the Tapas 7?  Reading it I find out it's to do with the Maddie case in Portugal.  You know, as horrendous as the case is, I just can't get pasted the fact that those kids should not have been left alone at any time.  We never left Tom alone at any time.  One of us was always with him or if we wanted to go out his gran looked after him for us the night.  Whatever, I hope they do find her safe and well.

Here's a shot from Friday's trip to Coventry ... 

It's a view of the arches from up the pedestrian walkway up towards Broadgate.  I don't know the name of the street, sorry.  I'm not too sure of the street names over there and my map is out of date.  The redevelopment of the area was done after our current map was released too.  Time for a new one methinks.

And from the sage ...

A husband wrote the following letter for his wife and left it on the dining room table:

"To My Dear Wife,
You will surely understand that I have certain needs that you, being 54 years old, can no longer satisfy. I am very happy with you and I value you as a good wife. Therefore, after reading this letter, I hope that you will not wrongly interpret the fact that I will be spending the evening with my 18 year old secretary at the Comfort Inn Hotel.  Please don't be upset - I shall be home before midnight."
When the man came home late that night, he found the following letter on the dining room table;

"My Dear Husband,
I received your letter and thank you for your honesty about my being 54 years old. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you are also 54 years old. As you know, I am a math teacher at our local college. I would like to inform you that while you read this, I will be at the Hotel Fiesta with Michael, one of my students, who is also the assistant tennis coach. He is young, virile and like your secretary, is 18 years old. As a successful businessman who has an excellent knowledge of math, you will understand that we are in the same situation, although with one small difference - 18 goes into 54 a lot more times than 54 goes into 18. Therefore, I will not be home until sometime tomorrow."

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