Saturday, 25 February 2012

One man, one head ...

25 February 2012

... so how daft can I get then?  Well, it seems that I can get really daft!!!  Jan and I went out on our scooters yesterday and a had good ride round calling in  at the Willie White for a drink, doing a bit of shopping.  Normally I feel pretty good after that but yesterday I was feeling really down in the dumps.  I do have depression anyway but normally it's pretty well controlled.  Around 3.30 in afternoon I had a really bad headache come on and headed out to the kitchen to get a couple of paracetamol for it.  I then noticed that I hadn't taken my normal morning breakfast of pills.  No wonder I wasn't feeling on top of things.  I've made I took them this morning though!

Jan wasn't a happy bunny the other night.  Her mobile kept ringing and those on the other end were asking for someone called, Paula.  I wish these morons would take a little more care when they pass on their new phone numbers.  However, it's not always the fault of the person who the phone is registered to.  One day I phoned my brother-in-law Gordon in Ipswich and the phone was answered by a woman asking me who I wanted to contact.  Once I said it was Gordon and who I was the call was put through.  It seems that BT had given a hairdresser the same number as Gordon's house phone.  He was forever getting calls wanting to book and appointment.  The cost to BT to sort that one out must have quite high.  But hang on a minute ...

In the 1980s our house phone rang at 7.15am.  I wasn't at all happy at that.  I answered the phone and it was a yet another wrong number.  BUT ... the call had come in from Ghana and at that time you had to book your call at the local exchange and go through the operator.  Oh dear, I'm glad I wasn't paying the bill for that one.  The guy on the other end of the phone wasn't too pleased either. 

According to the Dorktown Telegraph 17,500 people in Coventry are suffering from some sort of eating disorder.  That's a lot folk with a serious problem.  On telly the other night was a programme about obesity within the UK.  It showed an 18 year old girl who weighed in at 18 stone have a gastric band fitted.  That is a very drastic solution to weight problems, one that can't be reversed once it is done.  I know that I am obese too, being 18st 2lbs last time I checked, and at 5' 5", it's not good.  I have diabetes, sleep apnoea and I have had to have a stent fitted because of angina.  I did ask about have the same operation done but was given a very firm no.  Maybe it's time to try again. 

I currently have just two blogs on the go, this one and another one on birding.  Later today I shall start a third one based around photography.  I'll post a link later on my facebook wall.  then I just hope I will have enough time to get on with my writing then ;-)))             

So it's photo time ...

This is a shot of British a bluebell.  I love them and I found a place which is teaming with them come May.  I shall be out snapping later in the year.

Are you afraid of spiders?  Well, if you are the Sage has been cruel then ...

A little girl was playing in the garden next to her father when she noticed two large spiders on top of each other, apparently mating.  "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked.
"They're mating," her father replied.
"What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked.
"That's a daddy long legs," her father answered.
"So, the other one is a mommy long legs?" the little girl asked.
"No," her father replied. "Both of them are daddy long legs."  The little girl thought for a moment, then took her foot and stomped them flat.
"Well, we're not having any of THAT in our garden."                     

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