27 February 2012
Yesterday was a good day. I went off to take photos around Shropshire. I'll come back to that later ...
This morning's News has another Hussey Hospital story on the front page. This time it is referring back to a report that showed the place to be at the bottom of English hospitals for death rates. Some of the reason given for this is the amount of times a patient is transferred from ward to ward; health issues of the population; lack of alternative end of life care. Doesn't sound all that good to me. But look at this ...
I was behind this lass in Iceland the other day. She had a full shopping trolley and from I saw most of it was either high fat or high sugar foods. I didn't see any fresh fruit or veg in there. Need I say more here? The thing is, there are a number of ladies like this one in the town. One that I see fairly often needs crutches, not to get around but to stop her from falling on her face, basically to keep her upright because of her weight. And it's not just the young ladies either, I saw this chap one market day ...
And of course, don't forget this good looking, debonair, fabulously rich guy - who's also a liar ;-)))
A 34 year old lass has made herself a board asking for a job and stood outside in the rain and wind trying get one. She, like oh so many others is finding it just as hard as when Mad Maggie was in power and it was impossible to find work. I went through a three year period of unemployment at that time and I was out just about every day looking. One time I arranged an interview through the local Joke Shop (Job Centre if you must be pernickety ;-))) ). I walked nearly 3 miles to get home from there because I only had bus fare for one way. I thought it better to arrive looking fresh and ready. I arrived to find a large sign in the window saying the vacancy had been filled. Yet more wasted cash we couldn't really afford.
Yet another planning row is building. Triton Showers has a plant here with a high number so local people employed there. It seems that a developer wants to build 40 house on industrial estate where Triton is now based. If the OK is given, Triton will be looking at possibly leaving the town. Why? Well, they want to expand sometime in the near-ish future and a housing estate right next door will make that even more difficult than it already is.
So then, yesterday's day out. The plan was to drive up to Whitchurch for a look around and get some photos. The other week when Jan and I went off to the Wirral on a birding trip I saw a rather nice looking church which I thought would look great with a bit of sun on it. So I drove that route again. And there was no sun when I arrived there, but I did get this ...
Whitchurch itself isn't a bad little town either and I was able to add to my collection of pub signs while I was up there. From there I had a drive down to Oswestry, a town I love. I used to be stationed there when I was in the Army. It's rather surprising that as far as I could see there was only one pub missing that I remember using in the early 1970s - but I can't remember its name now. The parish church there made a good photo too ...
From there is was down to Shrewsbury and a ride around on me scooter. I couldn't find any way to get down by the river while I was there no access for my scooter. I did get one shot though ...
Since the sage hasn't been in touch for a bit I have nothing from him but from Jan's dad's notebook comes this ...
Women's clothes extremes, but seldom to extremities.
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