Monday, 19 September 2016

Printers and W10

19 September

My silly arsed brother Dave would have been 66 today, if only he had listened to what people were telling him about his eating and diabetes. That’s folks for yer …

I think I said not so long ago about being asked to write something for, For Reading Addicts. It seems it went down well and they said if I felt like doing any more, they’d be welcome. So last night I wrote another one, but then I took it into my head to print it out and read through it before posting. Not a bad idea really, except for one wee thing, I’ve not installed my Brother laser printer yet.

I’ve been looking for the CD to do so for some time and I can’t find it at all, so I had the bright idea of downloading the software from their website. That’s a big NO too. They claim there’s a Windows update that can be downloaded for it, Windows Update are saying are saying check with the manufacturer. And so I’m stuck ‘piggy-in-the-middle’ again. Hang on a mow I thinks to mesen, What about Jan’s Kodak printer. Still no go; W10 strikes again. So now at some time we will need to buy a new printer unless I can find an easy solution elsewhere. My good friends on Streetlife have come up with some suggestions so perhaps later I can things sorted.  

Last week I mentioned Roy across the way here. He’s certainly had a wet room fitted but by the looks of it he’s having a full re-wire down too. When our new kitchen was done we were told we would need a re-wire too. That is something we didn’t fancy at all and said so at the time, and it wasn’t done. It looks like we have got away with it, so I hope they don’t come and want to make a start on it.

At last I have got around to watching the Tonight show from last week, and yet again it’s on the lack of help and support for mental illness, and certainly serious mental illness. There is a serious issue for all of us when we take just a short walk outside our homes. This care in the community idea has failed drastically. Let’s face it though, it was started anyway as a cost cutting exercise anyway, and that needs to be rectified, and quickly.

The show has been filmed with Kent Police as they attended a man who was self-harming. It was filmed on a Friday morning, the earliest appointment they could arrange for him was the following Monday afternoon, they don’t work over the weekend. So if anyone has a mental health crisis, they must arrange it during the week. The show tells the story of a man who was realised back into the community and went off and killed his own grandson.

The man’s family had not been informed he had been released, if they had been they would have made sure the 9-year-old boy was safe. They knew his grandfather has a history of violence. He was released simply because the staff couldn’t cope with the man’s violence in the unit he was held in. They put their safety and comfort before that of the general public. That is just not on! It’s time it was taken seriously and sorted out.

Today’s photo …

Broadgate, Coventry.

Today’s funny …             

The poor guy walks up to the rich guy's house. He's down on his luck and needs, if they had some money. He rings the doorbell. "Hi there, I'm down on my luck, need some money, and I was wondering if you have any work I could do for you?" The rich Guy de, they must arrange it ides to give him a break, and says: "Sure, my porch needs painting. I'll pay you 50 dollars to do it for me." "Sure thing, Mister, I'll get started right away!" Time passes, until... "Hey Mister, I'm all done painting!" "Well, here's your 50 dollars" "Thanks, and by the way, it's a Ferrari, not a Porsche."      

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