Monday, 12 September 2016

Canned vs fresh and food bordom

12 September

Yesterday’s comment about the Corbyn story and old one, about 12 months old actually, that’s why I couldn’t find it. Whatever, my comments re-Labour remain the same.

Have you ever seen canned Brussel sprouts? No? I have, once, and seeing as love sprouts anyway I thought I’d give them a go; oh dear, big mistake. They really were nasty. It’s not often I say that something about a new food product I try, but in that case, it was well deserved. But I wonder? How many cans of food do you have say in your cupboard? We have a few, mainly baked beans and spaghetti.

I ask because of recorded show I watched yesterday, one of six waiting to be watched, (I’ve ditched them now cos I can’t stand the presenter). The one I watched was about how baked beans are made. At one point the question was asked about nutritious canned foods were. So tests made performed on Vitim C in fresh and canned tomatoes; the cans came out on top. So according to that show, all the ‘hype’ about canned foods might well be wrong. And there’s rub really, it’s all down to which canned foods you use.

When Kile is here I like to serve him spaghetti and meatballs in tomato sauce. I cook the spaghetti as I need it, but meatballs the come from a can. Yes, it is easy and convenient, and yes, I do remember what I wrote the other day. However, making enough of everything for just the two of us takes far too long and creates too much washing up afterwards – and we don’t have a dish washer, no room see ... Jan and I also like the meatballs in gravy too, so we occasionally have a can of those with some chips. However, I don’t think we could live life out of cans as a normal thing.

Being a diabetic I like to keep an eye on what is new in the field. To that end I subscribe to a few diabetes related groups on, yes, Facebook. On one of them yesterday was a warning of the danger for Type 2s of following an all red meat diet. There on the intro pic was a really nice rare looking steak, and my mouth started water looking at it, and is now as I think back to it. Now here’s the rub folks, how many of us can afford to live on just rare fillet steak, or any other sort of steak for that matter. I know we can’t.

The word missing from all of these things is ‘moderation’. All the fad diets are useless really because they just concentrate on one part of nutrition. The latest one for Type 2s is the low-carb diet. As I said before, think of the Atkins Diet of a few years ago. Again, cost would be a major stumbling block for us trying to follow it. But you know what, for me food has to interesting otherwise it’s just boring and I’d get fed-up with it and dive into the biscuit barrel soon after eating, or in place of eating a meal.

For me cooking itself has lost a lot of its sparkle, a lot of its interest value. And that in itself is a danger to diabetics of whatever type. Part of the problem I think, it we spend so much time fuss and worrying of what food is good or bad for us, and lose sight of the most important element, enjoying food. Regaining that enjoy is perhaps the hardest part of being a diabetic.

Today’s photo …

I wonder what is going through mind?

Today’s funny …

Customer: Do you have any camouflage jackets?
Assistant: Yes, we have loads of them, but we can't find them.

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