Sunday, 18 September 2016

Home grown terror, a few films and losts of books

18 September

Has New York been hit again by fanatical terrorists? Terrorists yes, fanatics, no, I don’t think so. Normally when the fanatics strike they are much more efficient and the casualty figures is far higher than 24 in injuries MSN is reporting right now. A second device was found too and that one failed to go off. No my friends, I have a feeling this is home grown Americans who have done this one. Let’s face it, the US has enough of its own anti-government groups floating around peddling their own version of how the Constitution should read, understood and applied.

Two bombs in New York, one in New Jersey but the New York mayor says investigators don’t think they are linked. I would think it’s a little too soon for such comments really. The earlier blast didn’t cause any injuries, so again, it wasn’t as well planned as other attacks that have happened around the world. The US should be grateful for that really, at least there’s no fatalities. However, these people learn from their mistakes and quickly adapt, so that is why I say it’s too early to say they are not linked.

Have you seen the film Olympus has Fallen? No, we have a thought it was OK. So when London has Fallen came out we thought it would worth a watch too. What we didn’t expect is a re-run of Olympus but set in London. Of course, the main target is to murder the US president live on telly, and oh yes, kill as many western country leaders as possible while they were at it. Of course, the baddies only partially succeed and the Secret Service wins the day. It’s a poor follow up folks and if you want to see it, wait until the DVD drops to £3 in Asda, just about worth it then.

Jan’s dropping hints that it’s time we watched the Game of Thrones sets again. We will do, even if I think it’s a bit too soon since the last time we watched them. But what do I know eh? I mean, I’ve been watching the Parry Hotters again over the last few weeks, and I’m reading the books for third time now. So yes, we’ll start the sets again soon, might even be later today, if I can find them that is.

Not far from us here in Dorktown is a second hand bookshop, Astley Book Farm. I love that place, but we don’t go there as often as I would like to. The last time we went I came back a small pile of books, including the one I’m reading now, Thinner by Stephen King writing under the name Robert Brachman. It’s as good as any other King has written, about a gypsy who cures two men involved in the death of elderly gypsy and the following cover-up. There are four more Brachman books waiting to be read too, all in one volume though, and I’m looking forward to those. Anyway, thee Book Farm …

Our last visit was around five or six weeks ago and I was really surprised at the changes that have been done. There’s a new café there, the whole place has been redesigned and repainted, and they have kept the 10/- Barn. 10/-? Try ten-bob, or in today speak 50p. I’ve not been in there yet but I have promised myself I will do next time we visit. Hopefully that won’t be long. Jan will no doubt shudder at the thought of even more books arriving here, but oh dear, what can a reading addict do?

Today’s photo …

Just one bookcase.

Today’s funny …

What do the guests do at a cannibal wedding?
They toast the bride and groom.

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