Mixed bag ...
11 September
We have Kile here again for his normal weekend. As soon as he got in here
I noticed that he has a different tie this term. We had already noticed that
his school had different coloured ties and we thought it was due to the
different houses within the school, we were wrong it seems. The terminology has
change now but from I could understand it is down to the different levels of competency.
At the end of last summer’s term, he was second in his test results, which
means he has moved up one level. ‘Well done Kile!’ I say.
However, it’s not quite all sun and roses for the lad. Kile is a quietly
spoken wee lad and although he is fairly tall for age, there’s nothing on his
frame. There’s another boy in the same year who has decided Kile is the perfect
target for bullying. He had a go at him again on Friday; Kile has been told he
must report it whenever it happens. That’s fine in theory but it’s not too clever
in practice. Bullies never, or at least rarely stop at being told off for their
fun games. I can understand why Kile may be reluctant to report it, in case it
does get worse. At least Kile doesn’t take his mobile phone to school, so he
hasn’t given his number out to anyone, so that avenue of abuse is closed.
When we moved into our little flat, we decided that we wouldn’t be moving
again, ever. That last move was hard work, and most of it fell on me seeing as
Jan was getting over stomach surgery and a stroke while coming out of the aesthetic.
As it happens though, we are getting even more nosy these days, and we have
taken a liking to the Escape to the
Country type show on telly. Some of the properties they show really lovely
places in lovely locations; but the prices being asked huge in most cases. None
of the buyers so far a looking for small, liveable house to live in. It strikes
me that the houses we see don’t look lived in really, they are like show homes,
and all of them are far too large for just Jan and me. Something else I’ve noticed,
is that when I see a place that has a dormer room, there always seems to be a
telescope in there. I’m wondering if it’s a filming company prop being hauled
about to each location.
When the current Labour Party leadership battle started, I came to the
conclusion that I no longer wanted to be part of an organisation that ignored
the will of the party members. They have certainly lost my life long vote! The problem
though, is the current leader Mr Corbyn. Yesterday on Facebook there was a
comment about Corbyn wanting to abolish the army.
If so, then Labour are really lost. We all know of course that the man is
a pacifist, but even so such a move really would leave the country open to
anyone just walking in and taking over. I’ve mentioned on here before of the danger
that Putin is to world peace. He’s already flying planes closer to our airspace
than ever before. How much worse would he do if had now Armed Forces to ensure
those airplanes keep well clear?
The keyword here though is ‘Facebook’. I’ve had a bit of root around and
can’t find any other reference to the story, so now I’m wondering just how much
truth there is in it. But hang on a mo … there’s a leadership contest on, now I’m
wondering if it’s a story dreamt up by the Anti-Corbyn mob to frighten his supporters
in turning against him. The man might be weak and ineffective, but he was
elected democratically and the Labour muppets are showing just how poor they
are by rejecting him like they are. Yes, I know that the rules allow for such a
vote, but this not about policy, it’s about having their own way, and nothing
Today’s photo …
Lunch time.
Today’s funny …
How many Quality managers does it
take to change a light bulb?
We've formed a quality circle to study the problem of why light bulbs burn out
and to determine the best thing we as managers can do to enable light bulbs to
work smarter, not harder.
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