Tuesday 24 May 2016

In, out, a big shake up to come about

24 May

Yesterday I had a ride into town again, mainly to order my new specs. That price of £108 I was quoted didn’t include the reduction for the NHS voucher. I was more than happy to pay the reduced price though, £36.50, much better. My new specs should be ready in two weeks.

So there I was wondering around town and I started to get a few twinges of heart burn, and yes, it was heart burn, not angina, I do the deference very well. As pre usual I hadn’t had anything to eat at that point so I called into a shop and got me an egg mayo butty for £1.25. I really should have known how the quality would be. I should have waited and headed for Boots.

There was nothing wrong with it as such but I did feel a little off for the rest of the day. But there again, I didn’t have a lot more until late on when I had a couple of slices of toast. And that says something in itself. Most days I don’t feel hungry at all, and I certainly don’t feel like eating all that much even when I do. I’m not ‘grazing’ as it’s called these days, either. I suppose that is why I have so little energy most days. My annual diabetic assessment is due next month so I still need to take it easy with what I eat anyway. Just can’t win eh …

So what do you think about Daft Dave’s latest warbles on the perils of leaving the EU? Personally I wouldn’t rust any of them, no matter what party they are in. We just don’t know how much vested interest they as induvials, have in pushing for a remain vote. I was interested in a group of older folk and youngsters who came together to talk about the issue. Of most interest for me was that the older folk had, like me, voted to join the EU when we got the chance. Now they want out.

One younger lass pointed out that if all the older folks for out and win, then that leaves the younger folk having to live with the consequences. That on the face of it seems to be fair comment, however it forgets two points; 1, we older folks have a lot of experience and we have learned from that; 2, that is democracy in action. The older folk seemed to go rather quiet at that one. The youngsters won that one at least, but wouldn’t if I had been there.

My opposition to the EU is long standing and no matter what they say, any of them, I shall be voting for out next month. I still remember the meat mountain which required huge deep freeze units to be built all over Europe. There was one here in Dorktown. At one time we lived about a kilometre from that one and all day and night we could hear the diesel fuelled freezer motors running 24/7. The noise levels for those living in Gadsby Street must have been horrendous.

Add in the wine and milk lakes plus the huge hit that our farmers took and are still taking, and it all adds up. We Brits play far too fairly in reality. Wire cages which various animals were farmed in were banned and had to be replaced, by a certain date. Our farmers were forced into obeying that rule, while on the mainland a number of other nations ignore it and still do as far as I know. Holland and France come to mind there.

Our fishing industry was hammered too. Yet Spanish fishing vessels steam into our waters and keep their whole catch because Spanish culture allows for use of the smaller fish that our guys thrown over the side, even though the fish are dead by that time. So much waste is involved in this, and not just the in fish either. Fuel for the boats, the hours spent catching and dumping fish. It’s all so sad really.

Then we can throw in the corruption in the EU parliament. Here in the UK our MPs were investigated for their expenses claims, some of them were jailed for it. Yet in the EU, time after time there has been attempts to have an investigation, all of them have been voted out by the MEPs. They at least are turkeys that won’t vote for Christmas! And while I’m on about money, how about the twice yearly move from one place to another and back again. How much does that cost every year. The Euro, oh my, that alone is worth us leaving the EU for so we are no longer helping to prop up and failing currency.                      

I had thought of writing about boring pet names this morning but that will have to wait for now. So today’s photo …

Mayflower I think.

Today’s funny …

"Who's been eating my porridge?" asked baby bear.
"Who's been eating my porridge?" asked mother bear.
"Burp" said father bear.

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