Thursday, 24 January 2013

The Hussy again, a referendum and the work continues

24 January 2013

Hard work getting up this morning at 7.45.  I'll be pleased when Jan's back from Antrim and will be able to be up in time for the workers and I can get a sleep in.  The work (fitting a level access shower), will be completed sometime next week.  Both of us will be pleased when it is finished; no more walking down to the complex for a shower, great!!!

On telly this morning there was a story about the Hussy Hospital agreeing to pay a five-figure sum in compensation to mum who's baby died soon after birth because of their negligence.  How can anyone put a price on the life of anyone, let alone a baby?  But insurance companies do just that.  There's a table they use to work out how much is payable.  Young men are worth more than young women and old men is just one such item taken into consideration.  I wonder if there's any sexism and ageism in that one?  I can see someone fighting that one someday.

Prime Muppet Cameron has promised us a referendum on our membership on Europe- well woppy-do!  As usual he's got things the wrong way round.  What he should do is hold the referendum first then start discussions with the EU.  At that point he would have a mandate to do so, now he has nothing behind him and he is likely to face a big NO from them.  Of course there could be problems with doing it this way round in that having the mandate he might not have any room for manoeuvring.  Five years seem to be a long time to me though.

Two interesting letters today.  One is to let us know we can have a week in Western Super Mare in late March; I hope Jan is going to be fit enough for it.  She has another major operation due but we don't know the date yet.  The second on is the bill for mothers care fees.  I cocked up badly here.  I told Social Services the house was on the market and they stopped supporting her from that date.  Completion of the sale wasn't until late December so the bill is fairly large now.  It will get sorted on Monday morning now.

Well, photo time methinks ... OK, here's one for you ... 

It's a group of men who meet up every Saturday in the Willy White in town.  They always sit at the same table too.  One time I called them The Six Bs after I gave them all names beginning with B.  No idea what their real names are though.  I thought there could be a story line there somewhere but I've not done anything with it.

Funny time ...

Two dyslexic skiers are out for the day and arguing.  One says "It's Zig Zag", the other it's "Zag zig".  Eventually at the top of the mountain they see a Guy coming towards them.
"Excuse me", they say ,"We're skiers who dont know whether we zig zag or zag zig down the mountain. Do you know?"
"Sorry", said the Guy, "I'm a Tobogganist".
"O.K.", said the first skier, "can I have 20 Silk Cut and a Telegraph please?"      

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