Monday, 21 January 2013

Shopping, the BBC and terrorits

21 January 2013

I got out today for the first time in over a week.  A return visit to A&E for a follow up on my arm/wrist; that was soon sorted and then it was off to Asda shopping.  A quick look in Currys across the road and another £44 spent and off home to a very welcome mug of black caffeine - or black coffee:-)))  I heard that one in a song on telly this morning before I went out.  I may have been discharged at the hospital but I'm still having a lot of pain in my wrist.  It came on as I was driving.  I am also getting it a lot while typing, that's why there was no blog yesterday and for the trip into Currys this morning.  My laptop is on a fairly high desk so I thought maybe a separate keyboard would help.  It sits on a sliding shelf under the desk making it a lot lower to reach.  I'm using it now and so far so good ... ... ...

Have you ever wondered what planet the bosses at the BBC are from?  I have done so on many occasions.  But surely they can't do anything so silly and daft as having some sort cartoon Jimmy Savile on a kids show!  I didn't read the whole thing and saw the head line on front page of the Sun.  Just what is going on within the BBC that they let that one slip by unnoticed?  Sure they really think that the public will have forgotten already and moved on to something else now?  And don't forget, we're paying through the nose for them to do all this!!!

Today is a Times day.  I don't buy one very often but I do like it.  Mind you, I much prefer the Telegraph but that is still a broad sheet and I've fold it to be very hard hold and read properly.  If it went tabloid size I would certainly have delivered.   Times front page says that Britain now has a new front line in the fight against terrorism.  Do we really?  The terrorism front line is where ever the terrorists decided to strike next!  Right now it seems to be in North Africa but that can change in an instant to somewhere else.  The whole idea is to keep the enemy reacting to what you do and not the other way around.  So far these fanatics who are using religion as an excuse have world powers dancing to their tune.  And there seems to be nothing we can do to stop them.  Any action taken by the western powers will be seen as anti-Islamic and that will give them another excuse to attack somewhere else ... and so it goes on.  Sad really.  Such a waste of so many useful lives.

The new keyboard seems to have cured another problem I was having, that is, the cursor jumping all over then document as I type.  It has happened once while I have been typing this - that's great!!!       

So now to find a photo ... 

there you are - Jan resting up in Mallorca.

And today's funny ...

A teacher at a college  reminded her pupils of tomorrow's final  exam.  "Now listen to me, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might consider a  nuclear attack or a serious personal injury, illness, or a death in your immediate family, but  that's it, no other excuses whatsoever!"
A smart-arsed chappie at the back of  the room raised his hand and asked "What would happen  if I came in tomorrow suffering from complete and utter  sexual exhaustion?" The entire class was reduced to laughter and sniggering.
When silence  was restored, the teacher smiled at the student, shook her  head and sweetly said, "Well, I would expect you to write the exam with your other hand.

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