Wednesday 19 June 2013

Memory, trees and their lobbyists

19 June 2013

One of my main problems has always been not remembering where and who wrote something I have read.  Like today for instance; I'm going a ride into town later for a look in the library.  The reason is that I am interested in a possible 'mag-swap' box.  The idea is that you take magazine you have finished with and leave the in the box and take others that might appeal to you for a read.  It seems a good idea to me so I want to encourage the library to give it a go.  Besides, it's a nice sunny day and I might get some shots while I'm out and about.

An article in today's News has reminded me of another good reason for us to moved from Bracebridge Street.  Although not a reason in itself it's another item that we don't miss.  Bracebridge Street, Marlborough Road and Norman Avenue are all lined with Lime Trees.  At this time of year the secret a sticky sap that coats all the cars that are parked along there.  The sap can be a sod to get off the cars too.  Come autumn and the falling leaves, all three street are covered in leaves. Certainly, Bracebridge Street is a messy. dirty street at the best of times.  Add in the sap and the fallen leaves and a mess becomes even worse.  

As with everything else these trees have caused their own controversy.  A number of resident have asked if the trees can be removed.  That suggestion has anger the tree-huggers and heritage people who want to the trees to remain.  It's interesting to note though that these pro-tree lobbyists don't actually live on the effected street.  Oh yes, the article ...

Basically it's about the falling sap but gives a reason for it; something I hadn't know about.  It seems that Lime and Maple Trees are susceptible to an aphid that bits into the leaves which in turn cause sap to gather on the trees and eventually to fall.  The article goes on to say that washing cars and pavements in a mild detergent and water will quickly remove the sap form cars and pavements.  OK for cars, residents are responsible for cleaning their own cars; but pavements?  Oh no!  That's down to the council to do!

Of course, these trees do look very nice in full leaf; here's a shot of the one outside our old house ...

just a pity about the mess they make.

So then, funny time ...

I saw a poor old lady fall over today on the ice!! At least I presume she was poor - she only had £1.20 in her purse.   

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