Thursday, 4 October 2012

Sorry folks, a book in reading and another Tory cock-up!

4 October 2012

First off, apologies for the non-appearance of the funny yesterday.  It actually came in to me and I had hoped it would cut and paste onto the blog format.  In fact it do so and it was there in the draft and again in the version I get when I came to share it.  For some reason I don't know it didn't appear on the version once shared.  I've just checked it now and it is still there; so apologies folks.

And so there is yet another monumental cock-up down at Muppet Centre!  The cost to the tax payers is currently put at £40 million.  But is that the final figure?  Yet again civil servants take the blame but I do wonder just how much the earlier Transport minister was involved.  For once I has some sympathy with the current incumbent of that post.  he has had to apologise for the actions or lack thereof of his predecessor.  My thoughts are that the earlier one needs to answer some serious questions as to why she didn't find the error and sort it out herself.  But there again, she's a Tory and it seems to be one of their traits that they don't accept liability for their mistakes and leave them for others to clear up.

It's happening again folks ... I'm currently reading a book by David Baldacci called Zero Day.  The premise is of an open cast coal mine in West Virginia and the all the pollution it's causing.  Wrapped up in the story is another plot that takes 9/11 and goes further.  So then ... I've said before that I went through a period of reading books and the same or similar happenings actually did happen.  Well, this morning I got round to watching Sunday's Country File.  Tom Heap was in Northumberland where a new open cast coal mine is to be started about 100 metres from the rear of the houses in a small village.  This is because yet again the Tories have changed to law to allow big business to ride rough shod over the views of the everyone else.  Let's hope there's nothing more than a coating of dust on everything!

Our borough council is Labour run.  One of the opposition councillors is a Green Party man.  At the moment there is a cross party sub-committee that is looking at the so-called Dorktown Plan.  They idea of the Plan is so that future development within the town can be controlled and guided for the benefit of the town.  But the Green Party man is up in arms over it?  What he is upset about, and not just him by the way, is that all the meeting of this committee are being held behind closed doors.  There's no public consultation and the feeling is that the town is about to be sold down the river by the committee.  I can see where the man is coming from on this and I agree with him.  Very local to us here in Weddington there is an on-going fight to stop 300+ house being built in a green field site within about a mile from our flat.  Why can't they be built on a brown field site?  But do you know what, I've just been sitting here thing about it and I can't think where there is an unused brown field site within the borough.  The town needs new housing but where else can they be built?  I can't think of anywhere.

So a photo then ... 

Kings College church through the trees in Cambridge.

So here is the text from yesterday's funny that didn't work ...
I will never here the church bells ringing again without smiling.
Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had passed away Katie went to visit her 95 year old grandmother and comfort her.  When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, "He had a heart attack while were making love on Sunday morning."
Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that two people nearly 100 years old having sex would be asking for trouble.  "Oh no my dear," she replied, "we realized a long time ago that the best time for us to it was when the church bells start to ring.  It was just the right rhythm.  Nice and slow and even.  In on the ding, out on the dong."
She paused and wiped a tear, and continued, "He would still be alive if that f****** ice cream truck hadn't come along!"                     

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