Thursday, 11 October 2012

GP, trial update and exam answers

11 October 2012

This morning I had to go my GP to sort my repeat prescriptions - again.  In two months time I will have to go there again seeing as they are only writing them up every three months.  Next time I shall be asking for them all to be done on the same month and for a longer period to save having to go down there so often.  There was another reason I went there this morning though; every so often, in fact quite frequently I get a really bad burning sensation two fingers on my left hand.  I hurt quite badly too, so I mentioned it while I was there.  Thing is, there is nothing actually showing on those fingers, no redness or soreness or anything else.  Didn't matter though, once I had told him he said that it was either low vitamin B12 level or my diabetes or a combination of both of them.  At least it is now my records so if it does get worse then they already know about it.  I now have to decide which GP to see now that the one I was seeing regular has moved on to another practice.  That's twice that has happened.

I took the chance and did a bit of shopping this morning while I was out.  Looking at the daily papers I decided that I would buy a Maily Dale this time.  I'm pleased I did because they have printed a load of howlers that some exam entrants have given as answers in exams.  How about these ...
q, What sources are there for social and ethnic stereotypes?
a, Tomato ketchup in the south and brown sauce in the north.
q,  If a government is given a mandate, what does this mean?  How might this come about?
a, a mandate is a boys night out.  A womandate is a girls night out.
And my favourite ...
q, When might you use inverted commas?
a, When you are reading upside down.

Yesterday I wrote about a murder trial taking place over the killing of a man in Bulkington.  Well, in today's News it is reported that the judge has dismissed the jury.  She then gave the lawyers her reasons in a closed session in chambers.  So now a lot of folks will be wondering just who has be corrupted or if one of the jury is known to the defendants.  I hope she gives her reasons later.  Being a nosey so n so I'd love to know ;-)))

It seems that Jimmy Savile was not the all fun and play charity star we all thought he was.  I don't know about you but I can understand why it's taken so long for the stories to come out.  Who would have believed it if a 13 year girl had reported it at that time?  What concerns me more is that nurses at Stoke Manderval were telling girls to pretend to be asleep when he went round the wards.  Why didn't they speak out at the time if  they had concerns?  That is a question they will need to answer!

For today's photo I have a follow up on what I wrote yesterday about coal and power stations ... 

part of a wind power generating thing in the North Sea off Skeggy.  I had to wait ages to get all the blades to be in the same place.

And today's funny ...
A middle-aged couple had two beautiful daughters. But always talked about having a son. They decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted.
The wife got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby boy.
The joyful father rushed to the nursery to see his new son.
He was horrified at the ugliest child he had ever seen.  He told his wife: 'There's no way I can be the father of this baby. Look at the two beautiful daughters I fathered! Have you been fooling around behind my back?'
The wife smiled sweetly and replied: 'No, not this time!'         

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