Friday, 25 May 2012

Wabbits, dosh and Lock-outs

25 May 2012

Blimmy, it's so hot here in Dorktown - just as it is all over the UK now.  I'd love to be out enjoying it all but sadly I have to wait in because Jan's scooter is due back sometime this afternoon form its service.  The scooter is making quite a bit of news these day and apparently it's something to do with the main drive axle.  It could be a worn barring inside part of it.  Problem is just replacing the barring can't be done because they are not sold individually.  They would need to change the whole axle and at £150, it's more than we have right now.  But the things is, both scooters are well over three years old now and I'm not sure they are actually worth keep repairing.  Maybe biting the bullet and getting two new ones might be a better idea.  I'll see what Jan says when she gets back from her sisters later today.

I've mentioned before that we will be living Dorktown at some time.  We will need to get rid of a lot of s tuff we now have because there will not be enough room for everything we have in the type of property we are looking at.  Because of our mobility needs we have decided that we will be better off in a flat; and because of our age we are now looking at an over 55s set up.  Our thinking is alone the lines of us making sure that we are already in a place where extra support will be available now and not have to move again later when we may need the extra support.  Slowly we will start getting rid of a lot of stuff.  First to go then is a large desktop PC that I have upstairs in the study.  I was thinking of keeping it but as I say, space will be at a premium before long.  I shall be taking to grandson Kile later this weekend.  There's a printer that will go with it too.

With Jan away last night I took the opportunity and went off down the Willy White.  In there I sat trying to get some work done on Photo Finish while I had a pint or two.  I finally gave up having done just 600 words.  It wasn't a lack of thoughts or ideas that casued it, it was the cold in the place.  After two pints I headed off out and went the Felix Holt, and other Whetherspoons pub.  It wasn't so cold there but instead of writing I started one of the three new books I bought at Waterstones.  It's a second one by Peter James and so far it looks good.

The scooter has just come back so I shall be off out soon enough.  At least I can't lock myself out this time, as I did yesterday.  I felt a right wally because of that.  Ah well ... ... ...

Today's photo then is this ...   

It is the stained glass roof dome in The Tottenham pub in London.

As for a funny ...

Wittle Wabbit
A little girl walks into a pet shop and asks in the sweetest little lisp: "Excuthe me, mithter, do you keep wittle wabbits?"
And the shopkeeper gets down on his knees, so that he's on her level, and asks: "Do you want a wittle white wabby or a soft and fuwwy bwack wabby or maybe one like that cute wittle bwown wabby over there?"
The little girl puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and says in a quiet voice: "I don't fink my pyfon really giveths a thit."    

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