Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Muppets, reports and guns

15 May 2012

Politians seem to be queuing up to defend the revision of DLA and its claimants.  The large number of false claims is suggested as being one of the reasons why it is needed.  I actually agree that these thieves should be found and prosecuted and I applaud the efforts to root them out.  But to penalize the genuine claimants because of this is just not on.  One thing that hasn’t been mentioned yet is that when DLA is finally stopped and if the claimant has a carer claiming Invalid Care Allowance (ICA), then that will also stop.  ICA is only payable when someone is spending more than 35 hours a week caring for a disabled person who receives the middle or upper rate of DLA.  The on-going knock on effects doesn’t stop there either.  If ICA is no longer payable – and remember nothing has been said about ICA yet – then the person getting ICA may then not be entitled all the added benefits that come about because of the ICA.  See, it is a cost cutting measure and nothing more!

A week or so ago there was fuss and bother over a critical report on the changes to the NHS now being pushed by the Prime Muppet and his mates.  It doesn’t end though there does it.  There’s another report about HS2 that is critical of that project and that one also isn’t being released.  Surely I’m not the only concerned about these reports being withheld?  I can’t get it out of my head that the Tory Muppets are either frightened of being found to be at fault or just don’t care and won’t take any such warnings seriously.  Whichever it is the country is being poorly served by these arrogant people!

I’m a tad late in posting this today – my apologies for that – been busy all day.  There won’t be a post tomorrow because again we will be busy all day. 

Today’s photo is one of Jan’s, not one mine ...

She took it in the garden of the bungalow we had in Bed’th.  It was taken late at night, around 10pm with a Fujifilm 2800 set on flash.  It’s a brilliant shot in my opinion.

And today’s funny …

Two Mexicans have been lost in the desert for weeks. At death's door, they see a tree in the distance.  As they get nearer, they see that it's draped with rasher upon rasher of bacon: smoked bacon, crispy bacon, life-giving nearly-raw juicy bacon, all sorts of bacon. "Hey, Pepe" says the first Mexican, "ees a bacon tree! We're saved!!"

So Pepe goes on ahead and runs up to the tree.  As he gets to within five feet, he's gunned down in a hail of bullets.  His friend drops down on the sand and calls across to the dying Pepe.  "Pepe!! Pepe!! Que pasa hombre?"

With his last breath Pepe calls out, "Ugh, run, amigo, run, ees not a bacon tree ...... ees a ham bush"      

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