Thursday, 24 May 2012

Fashion, scrap metal and memories

24 May 2012

It’s a very grey cloudy day so far today in Dorktown.  I’m feeling a tad cold too.  We have arranged for Jan’s scooter to be collected for a service today.  It was supposed to have been picked up at 9.30.  So far there’s been no sign of them.  As it is Jan is off up to the Hussy Hospital for a series of tests for when she goes in for an operation sometime next week.  She’s using my scooter for the trip up there.  When she gets back, and the scooter has been collected I will be  free to go off down town myself.  Ah well; patience is supposed to be a virtue – whatever, I’m not very patient at all and with the guys collecting the scooter being half an hour late already I’m starting to get edgy!

I had a bit of trouble dropping off to sleep last night and it was knocking on for 2am when I last remember looking at the clock.  Have you ever noticed what thoughts and memories race through your mind at that time in the morning?  I had a memory while I was lying there that I had totally forgotten about.  In the mid-1980s while I was unemployed I was doing voluntary work as a driver for the Dorktown and Bedworth PHAB Club.  The Club met on Tuesday evenings and all day for Wednesday which included a lunch.  The membership was mainly older people who had mobility needs with a few younger folk who, mainly with learning difficulties.  Anyway, the memory …

One Wednesday I drove over to Weddington to pick up one lady.  The lad who was riding escort was on a community punishment thingy.  He was actually a very quiet and decent sort of guy.  We arrived at the block of flats and he jumped out and off he went knock the ladies door.  He came running back out looking ashen.  So I jumped out to go see what was wrong.  What a shock!  There standing in the middle of the living room was the elderly lady with her dress pulled up under her arms pits, struggling to do up her corsets and laughing her head off.  I ended up having to do the last few poppers myself.  As I pulled the thing together I had to push fat back under it at the sides.  It took ages to get to all sorted.  No wonder the young lad ran out ;-)))

Yet again we are being plagued by scrappies.  The second one in an hour has just gone up the street.  We’ve had as many as four in one day before now.  They are noisy, sometimes aggressive and certainly not welcome!  The list will soon be with council so they can follow up on them.  Most of them are operating without the permits needed to trade as waste merchants.  The sooner they get rid of them the better as far as we are concerned.

Today’s photo is of a Ferris wheel in Belfast that I got a shot of four years ago … 

The last time before that I was in Belfast we were being shot at!

No funny today – just fashion tips for seniors …


Despite what you may have seen on the streets, the following combinations DO NOT go together:

*A nose ring and bifocals
*Spiked hair and bald spots
*A pierced tongue and dentures
* Miniskirts and support hose
*Ankle bracelets and corn pads
*Speedos and cellulite
*A belly button ring and a gall bladder surgery scar
*Unbuttoned disco shirts and a heart monitor
* Midriff shirts and a midriff bulge
*Bikinis and liver spots
*Short shorts and varicose veins
* Inline skates and a walker
But, otherwise, WE'RE LOOKIN' GOOD!!          

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