Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Hard men, reports and sheep

9 May 2012

Not my day again.  I decided that I would go a ride into town after the News at 1pm.  We then got a phone call just as the news ended from Lyn across the road that she had a 'strange bird' in her back garden.  Her description got us very excited cos we thought she had a ring ouzel visiting her feeder.  Once we got there the bird had flown off but an expanded description made it more likely to be a magpie.  Now it has started to rain so I won't be going a ride into town.  Ah well ... rained in and no life tick ... just my sort of day really.

So last night we sat and watched the news and we both said at the same time, "So what are they trying to hide?"  "About what," you may be wondering.  The Prime Muppet is not allowing the release of a report into the effects of the NHS reforms that they have to hand.  If it was 100% in their favour saying that it would indeed improve the NHS and save loads of dosh it would have been released with a great fanfare - so just how bad is it?  It being held back will make things a lot blacker than perhaps they otherwise would be.
On Monday we missed Antiques Roadshow on telly so we got it on catch-up this morning.  There was a young 17 year old lad who is spending up to £1000 on antiques.  Again we asked at the same time, "Where does a 17 year old get that sort of money from?"  Jan then suggested that the words, 'spoiled brat' come to mind.

Some people are really hard and strong and brave aren't they?  Like the person who battered the 94 year old women while she was in bed.  I'm sure you've seen the item on the news.  There's no motive, there was no sign of a break in.  Perhaps she left her door unlocked or is it someone who would normally have access by using a key?  Meks yer fink dunnit!

The town hall here in Dorktown is well and truly in red hands.  Apparently a mother and daughter were both elected, but for different wards of course.  I'm not keen on such things.  Where two close members of the same family end up on the same committee they tend to think that the committee belongs to them.  I've seen it far too many times before in the past and it never ends up good for the committee.  Of course a town council is no ordinary committee and there are a few wise heads in there who keep their feet firmly on the grounds.  I hope so anyway!

I really should be getting on with writing seeing as I haven't done any for some time.  The thing is, I can't drum up any enthusiasm for it for some daft reason.  I will get back to it soon though.     Honest ... ... ...

I'm on a fancy right now ... 

a pint of Young's in the Blue Bear in Abbey Street.

A cowboy, a sheep, and a dog were survivors of a terrible plane crash. They found themselves stranded on the prairie. After being there a while, they got into the habit of going to the mesa every evening to watch the sun go down. One particular evening, the sky was red with beautiful cirrus clouds, the breeze was warm and gentle; a perfect night for romance.

As they sat there atop the mesa, the sheep started looking better and better to the cowboy.
Soon, he leaned over to the sheep and put his arm around it. But the dog got jealous, growling
fiercely until the cowboy took his arm from around the sheep. After that, the three of them continued to enjoy the sunsets together, but there was no more cuddling.

A few weeks passed by, and lo and behold, there was another plane crash. The only survivor was a beautiful young woman, the most beautiful woman the cowboy had ever seen. She was in a pretty bad way when they rescued her, and they slowly nursed her back to health.

When the young maiden was well enough, they introduced her to their evening ritual. It was
another beautiful evening: red sky, cirrus clouds, a warm and gentle breeze; perfect for a night of romance.

Pretty soon, the redneck started to get "those feelings" again. He fought them as long as he
could, but he finally gave in and leaned over to the young woman, cautiously, and whispered
in her ear... "Would you mind taking the dog for a walk?"

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