6 May 2012
To anyone who takes the Sunday
Express, today it will become very clear as to just where the Tory party
stands on disability. According to the
Work and Pension secretary Ian Duncan Smith all that disabled people do is to
sit around making and drinking coffee.
His outburst that included that comment when the SE presented a petition demanding that the Remploy factories be
kept open shocked everyone who heard it.
Add that to the DLA farce and we should all be able to see just how
heartless and arrogant all Tories are.
I've also been raging lately about the current state of our
water supply. The SE had a survey done which showed that 72% of the people asked
wanted the water industry to take out of the hands of overseas companies and
brought back under public ownership. And
who was to blame for that? Oh dear,
Tories again!
A young girl walked to school in the cold and snow - in her
stocking feet. She claimed that her
shoes were too small for her and it hurt less to walk without them than with
them. A boy was so tired he kept falling
asleep claimed that he was so tired because he couldn't sleep very well at home
because he didn't have a bed to sleep in. No, this is not from Victorian England, they
are quite recent event. Charities are
setting up breakfast clubs because kids are turning up for school too hungry to
learn. One child said that her mum had
already left for work by the time they were heading out to school so she and
her brother went from cafe to cafe begging for a sandwich. If they got one, that was OK, if they didn't
they had to make do until lunch time.
One such incident is appalling, to so many is a catastrophe waiting to
hit the government on the head!
The Tories have had one disaster after another hitting them
over the last month. One such disaster
could be explained but there are, there can be no excuse or reason for so many
in so short a time apart from incompetence and disinterest in the plight of so
many people who cannot live at an even basic level of decent living. I shudder to think of just how bad things
will be in three years time when we get the chance to vote these heartless,
soulless people out of power.
Yesterday afternoon I
visited our local library. As I went in
a book caught my eye. It's called Bestseller and it's by Alessandro
Galienzi and pubished by Alma Books.
It's the story of a man called Jim and his attempts to get his writing
published and of a publisher sacked from his own company by shareholders. I must be enjoying seeing as I'm on page 142
already ;-))) But actually, it quiet
good. Here's a description of one person
at a party as it is in the book; "... bald-pated, chunky-faced, flabby
chinned, queerly dressed, jelly-bellied publisher ..." It is a quote that will go on my, 'wish I had
written it' list.
We have warm dry and sun shine today here in Dorktown. I could I suppose have gone off birding today
if I'd got up in time and actually felt like it. We did go and visit a new RSPB site not far
from here the other day. The approach
road was truly awful. On our way out we
found a second road which was properly surfaced. Both of will go back there together one day.
Today's photo is ...
of the osprey nest at the Osprey Centre
in the Highlands of Scotland. There's
even an osprey in the shot - not that you would know what it is from this shot
of course ;-)))
Today's funny is shorter than normal ...
A Blonde was driving down the road, and spotted another blonde
in the middle of a hayfield rowing a boat. She stopped the car, got out and
went to the shoulder of the road, and yelled, "You know, it's blondes like
you that give blondes a bad name!, and if I could swim I would come out there and kick your ass!"
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