Friday, 18 May 2012

Telly, Kile and fishing

18 May 2012

Have you looked at tonight’s telly pages?  There’s nowt on to night, well, nowt we are interested in anyway.  So the box is off and I am going to have  go at moving my new effort Photo Finish – and no, we’re not interested in seeing four miners lamps being carried in a plane from Greece either.  In fact if we win tonight’s Euro Millions we’ll be flying off somewhere for three months in June July and August.  Somewhere nice and warm and quiet with no telly, radio and no phone lines would be good. 

We have Kile with us this weekend, which is a surprise seeing his step sister is over with his mum and her partner.  Kile and Vicky get on very well so we were taken aback a wee bit to hear he wanted to come to this weekend.  Of course we said “Yes”; how can you say otherwise when he has asked to come to us.  So right now he’s upstairs watching a DVD now that we have shared a pizza and he will settle when he’s ready – but no later than 9pm anyway.  The weather isn’t looking too good tomorrow so I’m not sure if we will be able to take him out or not.  It’s raining now as it is, but that won’t hurt us now will it ;-)))

Today’s photo is of Bed’th one Friday a few years ago when the French market was there … 

I really fancied all the nosh they had on display but the boss wouldn’t let me – some excuse about not being to afford it ;-)))

And we have a smart wife for today’s funny …

A man called home to his wife and said,  "Honey I have been asked to go fishing up in Canada with my boss & several of his friends. We'll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting so could you please pack enough clothes for a week and set out my rod and fishing box? We're leaving from the office & I will call by the house to pick my things up." "Oh! Please pack my new blue silk pyjamas."
The wife thinks this sounds a bit fishy but being the good wife she is, did exactly what her husband asked. The following weekend he came home a little tired but otherwise looking good. The wife welcomed him home and asked if he caught many fish? He said, "Yes! Lots of Salmon, some Bluegill, and a few Swordfish. But why didn't you pack my new blue silk pyjamas like I asked you to do?"
(You'll love the answer.....).
The wife replied, "I did. They're in your fishing box....".     

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