Thursday, 17 May 2012

Prices, mixed fuel and visiting girls

17 May 2012

Yesterday was busy but not - if you can understand it.  We drove a total of 400 miles from here in Dorktown to Leighton Moss RSBP and back home.  According to Google Earth it's 160 miles one way, so we did an extra 80 miles.  I do know why though.  I took the wrong the road in Carnforth.  However, it hasn't done any harm seeing as we both got photos we wouldn't have done otherwise.  We share the driving too so it's not such a strain on just one of us.

During Jan's turn in driving I made a couple of notes - mainly cos I'm a nosey sod.  But basically we used the M6 Toll road yesterday morning and was surprised the price boards hadn't been updated after the latest increase to £5.50 for a car.  We don't normally use the road but at 7.15 am the traffic on the M6 itself would have been very slow and heavy going.  Considering that all needs is for someone to sit at computer and press a few keys, i don't understand why the price boards haven't been updated.  See, I get all worried and confused pretty easily ;-)))

The second note I made came about because as we drove out of Lancaster I noticed car with its bonnet up and a van behind it with Fuel Doctor on the side.  "Opps," I thought, "someone has put the wrong fuel in their car."  Then I got to wondering what happens to the fuel that gets drain out of a car in those circumstances.  Is it just scrapped or does it go off to reprocessing?  Again, just being nosy - but that's how you learn enit?

As a birding day yesterday was pretty much a wasted day.  The only birds of note we saw was a small group of Black tailed godwits.  There was as lot of LBJs about but they were far to for us to get our bins on them and as we don't know birdsong very well, we missed out on quite a bit.  The tide was out at Bolton-Le-Sands so there was nothing there either.  I got an email this morning which said that even north Norfolk was a quiet day too, which is rare for that area.  We ended up in Blackpool for a couple of hours before heading home.  And its Blackpool that provides today' photo ... 

Blackpool Tower. 

There's a lot of work going there at the moment as you can see but there's scaffolding along the front of the building with the doors there closed.  The Tower is still open but you have to go round the back to get in.  A friend of ours was born and breed in Blackpool.  A couple of years ago they visited the place and he said afterwards, "It's been 10 years since I was here last and it will be another 10 years before I come back."  As a visitor destination Blackpool is going downhill fast in my view so you might be wondering why I want to live there.  The answer is that there's a world of difference between living in a place then in visiting it.  I suppose once we are settled in we would only go the coast itself when Kile comes to visit.  Talking of which ... he's coming to us this weekend.  Time 'grandkid proof' the place again ;-)))

And today's funny ...

A guy walks into a chemists and says to the chemist,  "Listen, I have three girls coming over tonight. I've never had three girls at once, so I need something to keep me horny... keep me potent."
The chemistist reaches under the counter, unlocks the bottom drawer and takes out a small cardboard box marked with a label "Viagra Extra Strength" and says,
"Here, if you take this, you'll go bonkers for twelve hours."
The guy says, "Give me three boxes."  The next day the guy walks into the same chemist limps up to the counter and pulls down his pants.  The chemist looks in horror as he notices the man's knob is black and blue, and skin is hanging off in some places. In a pained voice, the man moans out, "Give me a bottle of Deep Heat."
The chemist replies in horror, "You can't put Deep Heat on that!"
The man replies, "No, it's for my arms. The girls didn't show up                 

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