1 December 2011
It's been a tad busy today from the time I left home and set out for diabetic clinic until I got home and spent a good hour + on sorting out me photos of real ale pump signs. The clinic went off OK, no problems there - and I even lost some weight too. There wasn't much going on in Dorktown as I rode through. Asda was busy too so it's a good job I only needed some beard and some piklets,
In Asda I saw a sign announcing that the last Parry Hotter film is being released tomorrow. OK, but I'm still puzzled by the whole thing. We have a number of schools of witchcraft and wizardry. Each school has its own teachers and professors. OK then, so why is it only Hogwarts that gets trashed? Why aren't the other schools there to help out? and if the staff knew just how much a danger the supper baddie is, why haven't they done more to stop him and leave it to group of kids and young people? And I thought my NaNoWriMo effort was full of holes.
Sorry folks, it's a short one for today ... I really ma tired!
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