Monday, 19 December 2011

Jan's new car

19 December 2011

Last Friday Jan picked up her new car, a Citroen Picasso C3 and that was what she used to go visit Trish last Saturday.  I still haven't driven it yet, but may do tomorrow.  Anyway, here she is with the car and the salesman Malcolm Jones ...

While we were out and about last week we went an outdoor supplier type 
 place called Go Outdoors and parked right next to us was this ...
was worried in case we caught an infection it ;-)))

This morning when I got up my left hip and knee were really hurting, hurting worse than they have at any time before.  I haven't knocked it or anything so the only thing I can think of was that I lay awkwardly on it last night.  Whatever, all I know was that it took over an hour for the extra pain killers to kick and relieve it. 

So, what else then ... of yes ... I've mentioned before I take lots of photos right; well, I always keep an eye open for odd street names and I saw this one the same day as the mucky car ...

It is in Bed'th so it's not so strange really!

A letter in this morning's News brought a slant to the possible closer of the children's and maternity services here in Dorktown that I hadn't thought about.  The new Walsgrave hospital in Coventry, or to give it full title, The University Hospital Coventry and Walsgrave - now you know why we locals just call it the Walsgrave - is one of those PFI jobs that have sprung up all over the place.  They need to make as much dosh as they can so they can repay the private investors.  By closing two units at the George Eliot - the Hussey Hospital, they can make even more dosh.  The question then rises, "What will be the next one they will want to steal of us here in Dorktown.

Another letter picks up on Starbucks opening a number of new coffee shops in the UK.  OK, good for jobs where ever they do a start up, but the one in Dorktown town centre didn't last long at all and left yet another empty store in the town.  The letter writer says that town is full of charity shops (there's 13 of the at least), pound shops ( I only know of Poundland), and banks (there's 9 I can think of), and a load of empty units.  The old Woollies sight was taken by TK Hughes who left after 10 months; M&S has been empty for at least a year and I can think of at least another 8 or 9 empty properties within the town centre.  So it makes me wonder just why there is need to build yet another one on the site of the wrecked pub The Kingsholme which will also take in a much needed car park.  I still remember someone from the council saying that the town needs at least one more shopping centre like the fairly new Ropewalk ... but even that has at least 3 empty units!

As I said yesterday I went into the Felix Holt on Saturday and I got a few photos while I was there.  Here are two of the bar staff working hard to keep the queue down at the bar.  At times they need to work even harder!   
At least they were smiling ;-)))

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