6 December 2011
Dorktown is in North Warwickshire OK? A few years ago we used to get our electricity from East Midlands Electricity Board; our gas came from West Midlands Gas Board; our water came from Severn Trent Water, and indeed still does. But if we want we can the whole lot from Severn Trent now. Depending on which way our TV aerial is pointing we get either BBC Midlands today from Brum, or the East Midlands coverage from Nottingham. I suppose we are lucky then that we get ours by cable from Virgin. Now we have the Boundary Commission farting about again with the constituency boundaries. They have come up with the bright spark idea of taking the Weddington area of Dorktown, one of the more affluent areas and putting in with either the North Warwickshire or with Rugby. Seems daft to me but perhaps you can see why some of us are so confused at times. Oh dear ... me ed erts agin ... ... ...
Last night Jan and I watched Part 1 of the Deathly Hollows ready for when our copy of Part 2 arrives from Amazon. It has arrived in this morning's post so we will be watching that as well.
We've been enjoying the Noise thingy show in BBC at 11am just lately. It's got me wondering if the law has changed about nuisance neighbours. At one time if you were having problems with such people and you didn't tell a buyer about it, you might be libel for damages when they later find out about them. I do of course have an interest in this. On one side of us with a Muslim family and we have no problems from them at all. But occasionally when the family members from Cardiff arrive the noise level goes up considerably. They have two child with what is now termed as having 'learning difficulties' - and term I hate - which makes the two children very noisy indeed. However, we are very tolerant of it because we know what the problem is. But here's the thing; noise tolerance is different for everyone. What we find OK will drive others up the wall so at what point do you tell a buyer about noise levels? OK, we're not selling and moving for some time yet but it is something we will have to look at later.
Nothing done on either Happyman or Finding Our Way yesterday, just too busy with shopping and so on. This afternoon I'm going a ride into town for an hour after lunch but I'm hoping to get my head down to it when I get back. House of Pain is now available in Kindle format at ... http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/search/ref=sr_adv_b/?search-alias=stripbooks&unfiltered=1&__mk_en_GB=%C5M%C5Z%D5%D1&field-keywords=&field-author=Ron+G.+Clark&field-title=House+of+Pain&field-isbn=&field-publisher=&node=&field-binding_browse-bin=&field-subject=&emi=&field-dateop=&field-datemod=&field-dateyear=&sort=relevancerank&Adv-Srch-Books-Submit.x=46&Adv-Srch-Books-Submit.y=8 ... and will soon be available in paperback as soon as Amazon get their fingers out and make so.
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