Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Asslut and foot butchers ... the world of Dorktown continues

21 December 2011

Wednesday morning and the foot butcher is due today.  That means I've had to wash my feet two weeks earlier than normal ;-)))  Actually, Jenny does a good job for us and we are both happy with how she treats us.

I got a bit of surprise last night.  I was flicking through the telly pages and came across an Inspector Frost episode I didn't remember, so I sat and watched it from 9pm.  And I was right, it was one I hadn't seen before.  Now I'm wondering if there might be others I haven't seen.  What with Jack Frost Barnaby and Morse, I was well catered for before.  Now I have to make do with repeats.  The one I would have liked to have seen was a combination of all of them, each investigating a local case but then coming together in the last one for the finale with Mullet as the boss cop.  Can you imagine what Morse would have thought of him? 

We did shopping yesterday as I said we would and then went off to the Greyhound for a pint of real ale afterwards.  While I was there I realized that we had forgotten to get Jan's Clover spread.  I remembered my Flora ... opps in bovver again ;-)))

Some time ago a young thug knocked a guy down in the street and jumped on his head in an unprovoked attack.  The victim died 2 months later.  In today News said the thug was sentenced to 4 1/2 years detention.  The original charge was murder but in September he changed his plea to guilty of manslaughter and the court accepted it.  The reason for it is the thug is of 'limited intelligence' and therefore didn't intend to caused death of serious injury.  What a load of crap!  I get sick and tired of people getting away with things claiming mental illness or what the PC tosser call 'learning difficulties' when what they mean is mentally disabled.  Whatever, the thug will be out very quickly to get on with his life while yet again the victims family will live a full life sentence without their relative.  I don't know about you, but it makes me sick!

While we were in the Greyhound yesterday I got a few more real ale pump signs but for some reason the camera wouldn't focus on some of them.  Jan got them on her little Nikon 3100.  I need to go back sometime and see the boss there and get all his old signs down of display so that I can shoot the lot.  Not sure how many I have now, about 180 I think but its growing all the time.  I wish I could have had one of each though, that would have been nice.

Today's weather is dark, overcast and deary.  I still want to go out though.  Maybe get me an AP and Computer active if they are on sale.  My Writer's forum has just arrived in the post along with my two copies of house of pain.  With the two other mags I should have enough to keep me going over the holiday.  Actually, I know I have ... there are so many books around here waiting to be read I'm surprised that visitors don't think they have entered a library rather than a home.

Well, it's now 4 days to go ... are you one of the last minute buyers I read about in the Daily Express yesterday?  Or are you ready?  We are.  On Saturday I shall go as far as Iceland for milk to last over the weekend and that is all we will need by then.     

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