9 December 2011
At long last a British Prime Muppet has done the right thing for the country in Europe! Now he faces anger from his coalition buddies and his own backbenchers, on one side for having taken the action he did and on the other side for not going further. Seems like he can't do right for doing wrong. But there is another way. If he was given the country a referendum on the issue of the EU with a simple question, "Should Britain with draw for the EU?" with just a 'Yes' or 'No' choice, then the issue would be solved wouldn't it? If there was a cleat 'Yes' vote then we withdraw and that the end of it. If it's a clear 'No' vote then we go the whole hog and join the Euro too. The problem with so many Prime Muppets is that they have a very good idea that there will be a resounding vote for withdrawal, and that's why they won't allow it. My choice would be to withdraw. However, if the vote went against that, then I would have to live with it, that is what democracy is all about surely.
But we could have had a referendum on the issue years ago. Didn't you know about that? Well we could have but the loud mouth doing the most shouting at the time had his bluff called and bottled it. Who was it? Why, none other than the super rich socialist Tony Benn. He was making a big fuss at the time when Michael Heseltine was a cabinet Muppet. I saw it on telly when MH called the bluff. TB was supposed to be a very knowledgeable parliamentarian who knew all the rules and customs. But this one he had missed. MH stood to reply to TB's question about a referendum and said that (sorry can't remember the exact words), we could have a one at anytime that TB put his money where his mouth was and pay for it, which he was allowed to do in Law. The look on TB's face was just great. he sat there open mouthed knowing that his bluff had been called. I don't remember hearing much from TB after that.
There's not a lot in the News today. Two weeks before Crimble any they seem to be running around looking for stories. For the second or third this week there's a piece on keeping your Crimble presies out of sight; there's the usually Crimble crack down on drunk drivers ... which reminds me ...
Our very first Motability car was a VW Polo, a very nice car indeed. We travelled to visit some friends in Chapel End and got caught up that years police efforts. First thing they did as I slowly approached the road block was to shine a torch at the front number plate. That year it was 'H' and our Polo was only 3 months old at that point. Next thing they did was to wave me through. That a bit of a surprise because let's face it, I could have been totally rat-arsed that evening. I wasn't but a new car doesn't mean that everything is OK within that car.
At the moment its nice and sunny and bright and I was going to have ride into town for a look around. Jan then pointed out that it was raining ... I hadn't noticed. The weather today is supposed to showers for the afternoon. I think maybe I'll stay in and get with some more work on the Finding Our Way.
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