Thursday, 22 December 2011

Mini market and Iceland

22 December 2011

It's a nice bright sunny day here in Dorktown and I have just got back from my first trip into town.  I would have gone for a pint or three but I knew we needed a few odds and ends of shopping so I did that first and when Jan gets back home in a wee while - she's off to some sort of prayer meeting - we'll be able to go down together for a drink.  We will also be able to have a look at the mini market that is on today.  I half expected one but thought it might be the full one.  As tomorrow is forecast for heavy rain all day tomorrow, I won't be heading out to have a look at it.  There will be the normal one on Saturday which we may well go and have a look at, not because we need anything but just to get us out of the house for a short time ... and of course a pint of real ale ;-)))  

 My shopping was done at Iceland because that is where we get our milk from.  At £1 for 4 pints you can't go wrong can you!  What else did I get ... well, 2X4 packs of their own brand Magnum ice creams on a stick; a bottle of Ribena blackcurrant drink and a tub of Clover, and that was it.  I joined the back of one queue and was in it for 20 minutes waiting to get served.  One woman pushed in so I pointed out to her that back of the queue was some way behind me.  She wasn't the happiest of souls at that point.  But so what, why should she get away with it?

I have also bought my 2 magazines from Smudges place.  While I was there I had a look at the new issue of Birdwatch too.  I used to have it on subscription but I let it go after 12 months.  It's not a bad magazine but I also have Bird Watching on subscription too and I prefer that one.  So now I have my reading sorted. 

Jan has been telling me that a friend of hers has bought herself a Kindle but not from Amazon.  It seems she is having problems downloading files from Amazon and I'm wondering if that is because she didn't buy it from them.  I remember that when I bought my original Sony Reader I could only download books from Waterstones, where I got the reader from.  I'm slightly surprised that she can't download from Amazon though.  I shall be in touch with them soon and ask them about it because the downloads she's after are the two books I have available on there.  

The Coronary Care Unit of the Hussey hospital has been closed to new patients because of an outbreak of nova virus, the winter sickness bug that a number of hospitals in the West Midlands area are struggling with.  The unit itself is very well run and my two emergency admissions there went off without a hitch.  The only downside that I could see was there was only one WC and with around 30 patients its nowhere near enough.

An ex mayor of Dorktown, is a man I know personally.  He has been suspended from council meeting for a period because on improper behaviour while he was mayor.  He used the official car to attend the opening of a pharmacy but seems a tad harsh to me but he also received a three month gift membership from a gym in the town and he didn't declare it.  I would have hoped he had learned the lessons taught down in Westminster on such issues - apparently not!  Now it today's News there's a story about a County Councillor who falsely claimed mileage allowances.  So yet again, no lessons learned!  He hasn't been suspended but has been suspended and has write a letter of apology and undertake extra training in what he can and can't claim for.  Can you see a difference there?  Maybe if I add that two men concerned are Tory councillors and that Dorktown is a Labour run Council while the county council is Tory run you might see where there difference is.

Whatever ... it's time for the 1 0'clock news so time to go.

Three days to go ... ... ....    

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