Monday, 26 December 2011

The day after

26 December 2011

The big day is over with for another 12 months.  Today being Boxing Day I thought I would give you a run down on how we used to spend Christmas Day here at mother's house in years gone by.

It was up at 8am and mother would be getting breakfast ready.  Jan and I prefer a bowl of cereal of a couple of slices of toast, but no, on that morning it would be boiled ham, pork pie, pickles and as much bread and butter as we wanted.  That was usually done with by 9.30.  Come 1 o'clock was dinner time, roast turkey cooked until the white flag was clearly be seen waved from the oven door.  All the usually bits-n-pieces with it including the pudding.  Around 5 o'clock we would start again with tea ... butties, trifle, cake, jelly, mince pies ... I'm surprised the table didn't give up with the amount of stuff on it.   

Things is, if we didn't have anything or if mother didn't think we had had enough, she would get very upset.  Now we eat what we want when we want it.  We didn't have anywhere near as much as we used to have but even so, we are both still stuffed from yesterday.  It's no wonder we Clarks are all as big as we are!

So where do we go from now?  Well, Jan was sorting through her old mail and came across a cheque for £250.  That surprised us both.  Now when you hand over a Motability car in good condition you get a refund.  Jan's Doblo has just been replaced with a Picasso C3.  So with that nice dollop of spare dosh will allow us to have an overnight stay in Norfolk so we can do some birding.  That will be fun.

Jan has now arranged for us to have Kile, our grandson from Wednesday for a few a days - peace will be shattered then ;-)))          

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