Monday, 23 January 2017

Type 2s and comms ...

23 January

There is a lot of miss-information about diabetes doing the rounds these days. The two main types are T1, who use insulin, and T2, who don’t. To begin with, T2 is not a death sentence. When first diagnosed, it might seem that way but we quickly learn that it really isn’t. The next item is life style choices; being overweight and unfit is what causes it, not in everyone folks. Tom Hanks isn’t overweight, and nor in my mate who does the proof reading for me, and yet both have T2 diabetes, my mate is also a vegetarian too and is very careful in what he eats. I have another friend living in Devon who has always been careful with his eating and I was shocked to learn he too has been diagnosed as well. And don’t forget my friends, some pregnant ladies also become T2 during their term of carrying.

Diet is another issue when comes to lack of understanding of the condition. A T2 diabetic can eat pretty much what they like. However, most of us do take great care with what we do eat, although there are the odd few who won’t do so. Sugar we can have if want, but at limited amounts. We know well enough that if we over do the sugar, we are likely to have an adverse reaction in some way. For me it’s a raging thirst and extreme tiredness, other react differently. We are regularly being informed about healthy food choices and how they help us to control our diabetes. Common sense about food and eating is all that is needed. What we need a balanced diet, nothing is out of bounds as long as it’s taken as part of the balanced diet.

We T2s do not use insulin injections. Some of us are able to control their condition by diet alone, where as some of us, me included take tablets and their control is excellent. So if you see someone injecting in public, they are T1 diabetics, not junkies. T1 usually develops in children and they have a major fight on their hands for the rest of their lives. What they need is understanding, not ridicule and anger. A lot of the fuss n bovver is down to the media hype, not real knowledge of the condition so it’s not really a surprise that there are so many people who don’t understand it. Sad to say, that they take everything they read in media/on-line as truth. Ah well … … …

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that my mobile phone contract was coming to an end. It didn’t take long before I had a phone call from India trying to sell me a new one. She got very short answers and I eventually hung up on her. I just don’t have the patience to sit and listen to tell-sales wafflers, no matter where the call from. Anyway, last night I had a look on line to try to see if there was any handset I fancied. There was a nice Sony but at £27pm it’s twice what I’m paying now, same with a Samsung I liked (not the Note 7 BYW). Eventually I decided on a cheaper Samsung with a monthly cost of £13, just £1 more than I’m now paying, it will be here tomorrow. You see, all I want, all I need actually, is a phone that I can make calls and texts from, I don’t need all the other stuff that get added or I can add. Life’s far too short to spend on looking at a little screen and typing while I’m walking, let alone driving!  

The account is in Jan’s name so she made the call to order it and by the time she was finished she had been on the phone for over 30 minutes, that’s why I’d sooner got to the Virgin shop in Coventry. Those type of calls I have no time for. So now I’m set for the next 24 months. And speaking of phones …

We keep getting calls from a company who is asking for a Mr Paul Sockett and it’s really beginning to bug us now. We don’t know anyone of that name, no-one has ever lived at this address using that name, and our landline number is now nine years old and was given to us when we had Virgin installed at our Bracebridge Street home. So where this company manages to link our nine year old number with someone else, I don’t know. Later I shall get on social media and try to find him and, and, and … I don’t yet but at least if do find him I can let the company know where to find him.

Today’s photo …

A moody sky from last year.

Today’s funny …

Car Driver (telephoning after he has had an accident) - Send help at once, I've turned turtle.
Mechanic: This is a garage not a pet shop.

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