SIMs, rain and woofers ...
28 January
Jan has just spent around 15 minutes on the phone to Virgin. We are
expecting a new SIM card to arrive and this morning there was a package from
them in the post, and open package! It seems that the SIM was in there at time
of postage, now it’s lost. Jan phoned to let them know. If someone finds it or
has pinched it, they won’t get anywhere with it cos they’ve blocked it. We have
been promised a new one on Monday. That’s fine, but she really could have done
without that crap today.
I’m sitting here looking out the window at wall to wall sunshine. I won’t
be going anywhere though. The ground out back and the roads out front are well
wet. The forecast last night were for a short of period of sun before the
clouds of rain are back. It looks quite cold out there too – weather forecasters
eh! Well, they’re at it again; according to an item on MSN the ‘big freeze’ is changing
to a month of storms and rain from next week. Oh dear, should we be concerned,
and if so, what are we going to do about it. I wonder if the Red Indian rain
dance performed in reverse would help? At least this is a relatively short-term
forecast I suppose, but do you remember the long-term forecast of the barbeque summer
… … …
We both love dogs and we both would love to have one. So why don’t we get
one? Two reasons really; 1, cats and dogs are not allowed in our ground floor
flat. 2, and even more important, we both know that we are no longer able to
look after one properly. It’s sad really, there are so many dogs held in
re-homing centres all over the place. Dog’s Trust in Kenilworth, RSPCA in
Coventry and one Leicester. We used to go and visit them often at one time. We
visited Battersea Dog’s Home in London one time, and that was the last one we
went too. The dogs there looked so miserable and dejected, that I left with
tears in eyes and it took us some time tp get back on the road after it.
Sometime after that we did get another dog from the local Dog’s Trust, a
little Pomeranian bitch, one of pair found as strays in Eire. The male was
adopted fairly quickly but the bitch remained there at the Trust – until we saw
her. We passed all the challenges they demanded we meet, paid our £100 and
after three weeks we took Amber (her new name), home. We had been told that
they had no history for her, but we took the chance. At the time we were
assured that Poms don’t shed their hairs – wrong! They do and we knew I had an allergy
to such dogs. I could increase my use of medication to counter that though, so
not really a problem.
What was a problem was that she did not like kids at all and even went
for Kile when he visited once. He refused to come again while she was there. We
walked her along the canal to our favourite pub, The Greyhound (yeah, I know),
and sat outside with our drinks because it was such a nice day. There were a
number of kids running around and Amber stood there watching them and growling
every time one of them got too close. That was it; we phoned the Trust and they
agreed to take her back. Is was a sad time for all concerned but as the Trust
staff said, they could now make sure she went to home with only adults.
Today’s photo …
Cindy-pup, the Yorki-duff.
Today’s funny …
I took my dog to the vet today
because it bit my mother-in-law.
Did you have it put down?
No, of course not - I had its teeth sharpened.
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