Saturday, 10 December 2016

Water on the brain ...

10 December
I had hope to get out into market this morning but the weather forecast was pretty dire, with heavy rain for most of the day, so I decided not to bother. A street market is not fun in the rain, just as riding a mobility scooter isn’t. and yet here it is 11am and there’s no sign of any rain, and we can see the sun trying to poke it’s head out up there. Well, I’ve saved a bob or two by not going down town I suppose.

Our glorious banks have threatened to leave the UK when Article 50 is triggered. My first thought was to call them a taxi to Heathrow. These people seem to think that they actually do own our country. But look at this idea a deeper and you’ll soon see it’s all just farts in air from them. RBS for instance is so deeply in debt that can you see any other country willing to let them move their HQ there? No, nor do I. None of them will move abroad, simply because they all fear a back lash from their customers. If some of them do try it, I can see a lot of the smaller banks becoming a lot bigger rather quickly.

Apparently there’s a guy hoping to get enough dosh together to lunch another bid at stopping BREXIT by the back door. This attempt is try to get the Irish courts to say that Article 50 can be overturned at a later date if needed. It seems to me that there are a lot of people about who really do love democracy, that is, as long as it goes in their favour. Right now all these legal challenges being brought are just rattle shaking and throwing. I’m reminded of the old pictures of little girl screaming, ‘I want and if I don’t get I’ll scweam and scweam and scweam.’ Do you remember that? If so, just think of her and remember that all these people are spoilt kids not getting their way.

A change of track here; I was reading Writing Magazine last night and came across and article by Simon Whaley. In this piece Simon use the normal gluttony of Christmas as the link to how over eating can lead to a drop in creativity for writers. He points out that what we eat, just as much as how much we eat can have an effect on our moods too. If you’re in a bad mood, how can you concentrate on what you supposed to be doing, that is writing in this instance. Regular meals are the key to it all, starting with breakfast, hmm, well, yes. Next is having a proper but light lunch and dinner later, with plenty of protein in between the two.

Water is vital to health, I’m sure we all know that. We are supposed to be around 80% water anyway, including our brain of course. The claim made by Simon is that drinking water instead of tea and coffee is the best way to keep your brain hydrated leading to a clear mind for working creatively That’s fine, and I can agree with it, however, being continually thirsty might also be a sign of diabetes, and that is one I do know about. As it is it doesn’t take long before I need to go pee anyway, drinking even more water would cause me to go pee even more than I do now. But don’t go throwing out the baby with all the water, moderation is the key. Sip water regularly, don’t gulp down glass after glass.
In another article I read something about ‘polishing’ an essay; hmm, I wonder if they used Brasso, Pledge or Duraglit? And doesn’t make the paper soggy? Surely they don’t use it on their monitors, I can’t that abrasive stuff doing a ‘puter much good at all … … …
Today’s photo then …

Feed time

Today’s funny …
How many brewers does it take to change a light bulb?
One third less than for a regular bulb.

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