Thursday, 15 December 2016

A German in all ways it seems

15 December

What is the difference between our very own Bonkers Boris and the Germany defence minister? It’s easy really, at times Bonkers doesn’t know when to speak and what he says and when to keep quiet. The Germany lass does know what she is doing when she refuses to wear a head scarf while on an official visit to Saudi Arabia. Her glorious leader has stated that Germany should ban the burka, this other woman is deliberately flying in the face of the norm, even for visitors. I seem to remember Mad Maggy wearing a scarf on a visit there when she was Prime Muppet, and she was a woman very much in charge of herself.

With this one we see a deliberate insult to Saudi, something that will not go down well at all. There is a huge difference between speaking your mind and acting accordingly, and the use of common sense. This woman is there on government business, will she complain if they refuse to see or deal with her with her head uncovered? Personally, I think she has a point but as I said, common sense needs to be used at times. Dressing according to well laid down traditions of visiting government should be respected. Lucky for her she will have a diplomatic passport and all the protection that carries with it. If any Germany national went there with the same attitude and did the same, they won’t have that protection. No, I’m sorry, but she is wrong on this one!

And while all that fuss is going on, the evacuation of East Aleppo has finally begun. Hopefully all the kids and their mothers will be the first to leave, let’s hope so anyway. But what of the city itself? From what I’ve seen on the telly news there not much of it left, not enough to fight for anyway, if that was what they were fighting for. But that isn’t the reason is it? Oh no, the fight is to rid their country of a man who has killed and maimed thousands of people. On the face of it, there is little between their president and Sadam and Quaddaffi, both of whom were sadistic bully boy tyrants holding on for their very lives. Al-Assad will know what happens to men like him, and that is why he is so keen to accept Russian help and fire power. Like all bullies, he’s hiding behind his protectors.

It has been 25 years since 18 year old Nicola Payne went missing in Coventry. Her body has never been found, and the two men charged with her murder last year were acquitted. I really do hope they find her soon so her family can have some peace from the constant worry and concern. Nicola had a baby son too and he is now 25 years old and yet he has never known his mum. How sad that must be coming up to Christmas every year. Her family are convinced the answer lies in Coventry, and I wouldn’t be surprised that it’s there with the area where she lived too. It’s time for her to be found and returned home, even if it is only for her proper funeral. At least her family will have said goodbye.

Today’s photo …

A reminder of summer.

Today’s funny …

Doctor, Doctor, I keep thinking I'm a telephone.
Well, take these pills and if you don't get any better give me a ring.

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