Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Imagine ... Lennon was right!

20 December

For want of anything else we watched The Golden Compass again the night before last. The critics slated it when it first came out, but I find it hard to see why. It’s not the best film I’ve seen, but it’s far from being the worst one as well. I’ve not read the books it’s based on so I can’t compare them, but I may well give them a go. Having said that, the last time I watched it I remember saying the same thing, and I’m still saying it. The film didn’t give me a very a very good night’s sleep with the result that it was around 3.30pm before I became fully functional.

Last night wasn’t a lot better. Around 1.45am I had a thought come to me about those silly idiotic clowns jumping out at people and frightening them half to death. Our son Tom, shared a FaceBook video of a similar thing but this time it’s young men running up to and hitting strangers with a pillow, then running off laughing. Someone will get really pissed off about it one day and the attacker will be seriously hurt. Perhaps that is what is needed to stop these silly games. However, there’s always someone on hand to film the attack, so they are not so random as it first seems. That camera operator should also be duffed up.

These attacks are premeditated in as much as one of them is going out with a pillow ready to hit another person with it. That is surely an arrestable offence? However, unless someone actually makes a complain to the cops over it, there’s little the cops can do. There are no injuries sustained either, so no evidence of the attack apart from the video taken by the accomplice. And while all this is happening …

A Russian diplomat is shot in the back by a police officer in Turkey. I don’t think the Russians are nice group of people to deal with, at least the politians and so on, but what the officer was totally uncalled and unnecessary. How can any diplomat from any nation feel safe when they are out and about on their official duties after this attack? Have you thought about the damage this attack might cause? In 1914 a minor prince was shot dead. That incident lead to millions of young men being killed in the trenches of Europe and elsewhere. Take the thought deeper; Russia  is ruled by a very anti-West man, and Turkey is part of the NATO alliance.  

An attack on Turkey by Russia is likely to be seen as an attack on NATO, and don’t forget, both sides now have nukes they throw at each other. And yet again we see the falsehood of the ‘peace dividend’! It’s even worse now with Bonkers Boris and Farter on the international scene. How are they likely to react I wonder; not good I think.  

Twelve more innocent people are dead because yet another follower of the peaceful religion drove an artic lorry into a crowded market area in Berlin. If that is ‘peaceful’, we already know what Jihad is like, just look at what ISIS has been doing. How many more will die because them? One thing I am sure about though, is that an all-out war against Islam will not work. It was tried hundreds of years ago and it didn’t work then (although that was more a war of greed sanctioned by the Pope of the day), it won’t work now either. I have to say it again, Enoch Powell told it true. Rivers of blood are flowing on the streets; but Powell was speaking only of Britain, these rivers are flowing throughout the world.

Today’s photo …

Are they about to rule the world?

Today’s funny …

Your dog just chased the postman down the road on his bike.
You must be mistaken my dog hasn't got a bike.

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