On this and that ...
11 December
Having posted yesterday’s blog we sat and watched the new Independence Day, DVD that we bought in
the week. It was OK, ish, if you like. The ending has been left wide open for
another one at least. Who knows how many more they can mine out of the original
story? Just like Star Wars. We made a
mistake buying it though; we should have waited until the price dropped. As it
is I don’t think it was worth the tenner we paid for it. A good few of the original
cast were back, all 20 years older of course but Will Smith didn’t join them.
Jeff Goldblum was there looking really old and tired. I’m sure that I saw at
least three different films in this one, the original obviously, Day After Tomorrow and various bits from
Star Wars and Star Trek. Perhaps they should have left idea alone.
Kile isn’t so well right now. He’s coughing and barking like an old miner
with dodgy lungs. Jan phoned his mum and it seems they are all down with it.
Now it’s just a waiting game before Jan and me come down with it too, even if
we have had the flu jab. Actually, I don’t think it’s flu they’ve got, more
like cough and cold really. We know how to deal with those without worrying
doctors up at the Hussy, they are busy enough as it is.
Here’s the thing though, and it applies to all hospitals not just the
Hussy; I’m 68 now and that means if I do have to go into hospital I’ll be put
on the geriatric ward, don’t you dare laugh, your turn will come, never fear!
Anyway, I do tend to get really pissed off with the some of other guys on those
wards. I know they can’t help it, but some of the tricks they get up to all day
make me feel even worse. I’m lucky I suppose in that my mind is clear and I try
to keep occupied as much as I can, sitting in a ward with older men causing
chaos while I’m there trying to keep calm doesn’t do me any good at all. But
there again, what can they do? Not much really. Trying to decided or judge a
patients’ mental state so quickly would soon be jumper on, so the only choice
really is on their age, no matter what effects that might have.
We are surprised but relieved that Maxi isn’t missing Arnie now she has
gone home. We had hoped that he would continue to come to us as he was while
she was here. What he does do is to fly onto the top of Jan’s lappy screen and
poop down the front of it, that is something he learned from Arnie I think. It
does keep his cage a bit cleaner but Jan isn’t so pleased. We can’t seem to
puzzle out why they only do that on Jan’s machine and not both of them, not
that I’m complaining of course, oh no.
I think I’ll end this one at this point, floundering for words right now,
so today’s photo …
Smiling chimp.
Today’s funny …
"And what will you do when
you grow up to be as big as me?" asked the father of his little son.
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