Friday, 21 October 2016

Stinky apples and a round day

20/1 October

I did begin to write yesterday’s blog – as you will now see …

Running late today, simply because when I first got up I was feeling very sicky indeed and had to stop and move away for a while. Jan gave me one of her anti-sickness pills and slowly its eased off, for now at least. Just which I knew what caused it. Feeling tired with it too.

… And that is as far as I got. I’ve no idea what caused it but I’m feeling a lot better today. Let’s see how far I can get today …

Obviously, no writing got done yesterday either. Not only that but no reading got done either until I got to bed that is. My current bed rime read is another Stephen King, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. This is a story of a nine year girl lost in the woods and being haunted by who knows what, but she is slowly becoming immune to the fear of the voices in here head. Apart from the odd occasion of when the odd adult is brought into the story, but not for long, the whole narrative is about that one girl. Yet another good one from Mr King.

I wasn’t the only one who was under the weather yesterday, our feathered lodger was too. She was so bad we really did think that we would need to take her to the vets today if she wasn’t any better. Well, she is better, very much better in fact. She’s flying as normal and getting into everything she shouldn’t be. Jan’s bonsai seedlings have been found and are now in danger of being eaten to stubs.   

First off then, we’re having fun here with a parcel addressed to Jan. Inside it were two knitted mermaid-tailed things that have been returned to a seller, but Jan didn’t sell them. It looks like the package was ripped open at some time while Royal Fail had their mits on it. The person returning them (and I’m surprised either, they really are terrible things), give their name and address and reason for return. At no point does Jan get mentioned anywhere. There was a second package re-wrapped in it with yet another similar thing in it, and that one is addressed to Jan. What the heck is going on? I’ll let you know …

Just lately I have taken to peeling my apples before I eat them. Around 9pm last night I’m pleased I have done so. On Tuesday, I made a bit of booboo when we were shopping. There was a load of apples going for 50p a bag. I looked at them and they looked fine, checked where they were from, Gala apples from Kent, so I picked up three packs. It wasn’t until last night that I started unpacking them that I noticed one was from Germany. Where ever I can I buy British apples, not imported ones. But that wasn’t all; those German apples really do stink badly of the chemicals sprayed on them. Once the skin was off though, the rest was nice.

Today’s photo … Hedwig.

Today’s funny …

What do you get if you cross a tomato with a potato?
A potato with bloodshot eyes.

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