Sat in waiting again ...
13 October
Facebook is a strange beastie at times. Jan brought my attention to one
she saw on there yesterday that claimed that the Queen would retiring but instead
of Charlie getting the top job, she was handing it over to William. Anyone with
common sense about them would know it was a wind-up straight off, and yet I
wonder how many did actually get taken in by it. Well, it didn’t catch me. And
I’m sure it didn’t catch Jan either. I’m not a royalist, but I’m not an idiot
either and know full well that after the chaos caused in 1938 when Eddie wotever,
gave up on the job, it caused such a huge problem for the new guy Georgie, that
it won’t be happening again in our life time.
The budgies are kicking up right now simply because I haven’t opened
their cages yet, which has upset them cos we normally have the free-flying
during the day. At some time test the pull-cord warden assist call system. That
is due to happen between 9.30 and 12.30. I’m not so sure they will get them all
done in that time though. There are far too many flats in scheme and even
though we have been warned, they can’t be sure that everyone will be in. I
mean, come on, most of us are elderly or infirm and they may well have
forgotten about it and gone out, it does happen folks, it really does.
My lappy threw a wobbled yesterday afternoon while I was editing a load
of photos form my Nikon P6000 compact camera. About half way through them the
screen just went blank and no matter what I did with it just wouldn’t do
anything else. Eventually I have the idea of removing the battery, waiting a
few minutes and then trying to start up again. Well, it worked, and thankfully
the images I had already worked on and been saved so it was on the last few
that needed to be edited. Computers are good tools but by heck, when they go
wrong, they really do go wrong; I’m relieved that yesterday was an easy fix.
The other night I began reading Billionaire,
an early work off Peter James. It is hopefully the last of his I have yet
released. I said the other day that it was a bad time for it to be released,
but what of right now? The story line has two money men who are attempting to cause
a war between the then USSR and the West by using a weak leader of an Arab state,
in an effort to make even more money. Does it sound familiar perhaps? Currently
we have Russia flexing its muscles over Syria and the West warning them to
behave. There is still a lot of resentment about the role of the bankers in the
2007/8 crash, and in that book its bankers and investors who are the real
baddies, yet again. Come on Peter, it’s the right time to push this one now.
So, today’s photo …
Our visitor trying to remove even more hair.
Today’s funny …
Knock, knock. Who's there?
Dublin who?
Dublin up with laughter.
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