Thursday, 6 October 2016

A Britain for everyone

6 October

A new law comes into effect this morning, meaning that the bain of motorway driving, middle lane hoggers can now expect a £100 fine and three points of their licence. Sounds great he? But hold on there folks, there are so few cops on the motorways these, mainly down to huge budget cuts, meaning motorway cops have been moved to other tasks. So who will police this new law? While talking about mobile phone use and while driving, West Midlands police said that the same cuts have meant there are fewer cops to be deploy. That means that those caught on that one alone has dropped drastically. How can we seriously expect this new one to be any different? We can’t. And don’t expect things to get any easier now that Trust me May is the prime muppet, it won’t.

We are sat waiting for the bailiffs to show up at Sam’s door and throw them out on the streets. Once that happens the council can help them. The main problem is to arrange to get the three kids into school. Kile goes to Etone, around a half mile walk from here; Billy goes to one Hartshil, while Vicky goes to one in Camphill. We could help out with Kile but apparently that is not allowed because they have to remain together to qualify for a three bedroom house.

Their first move will be into B&B somewhere, but that can be anywhere at all. From there they may be moved to anywhere they can get for them. A woman in London was offered a place in Brum, with no account being taken of the kids schooling needs. In theory they could refuse what is offered. In practice, refusal would put them at the bottom of the list again. That is why so many people are accepting properties that are far below standards for a healthy family life.

No thought is given for the local situation either. That property in Brum for instance; why wasn’t snapped up by the local housing office for a local family? By taking it they would have prevented a local family from having it. In that case the woman did refuse the offer, not just because of her child’s schooling issue, it would have meant giving up her job. See, there’s no planning behind these things. The government says, ‘Do this,’ and the departments have to get and do it, no matter what effect it has on its clients.

And it doesn’t end there folks, oh no. If she had accepted the house and in doing so voluntary left her job, then she would class as refusing to work and would be sanctioned, which means no benefit of any kind for around six weeks. How can that be fair? What was Trust Me May warbling about in Brum yesterday? Something about a Britain for everyone? All well and good, but hang on, there’s a condition attached to it.

It will be a Britain for everyone if they are happy to work hard. So what happens to those who can’t work for various reasons? What about pensioners who have already worked hard and are now living on the same promise made years ago, a promise that is now being broken and toss aside. Don’t believe anything they say my friends, not a bloody word of it!

Sadly though, there is no-one suitable to replace the tories is there? Liberals paid the price for their betray of the public by forming a government with Daft Dave. Labour is yet again tearing itself apart, just as in the 1980s. It will be years before they are ready to take part again. None of the minor parties are large enough to make inroads at all, and we, the long suffering people of Britain, will have to grin and bare it as usual.

Today’s photo …

Muppet Central.         

Today’s funny …

What do you call a very intelligent monster?
Frank Einstein.

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