Sunday, 16 October 2016

Halfway through the month - again

16 October

We’re halfway through the month now and I’m sat wondering where the year has gone. Thing is, it’s gone and it’s too late to do anything useful in that lost time. Let’s hope things are better next year.

I did get down into town yesterday and wherever I went there were displays of Halloween stuff, yet another yanky idea that has crossed the water, or flown in on a jumbo jet – so much for broom sticks eh? It’s something we have never got involved with apart from the time when our church ran an evening of Christian fun as a counter to it. Another year we had a pile of tracts to give out if the kids came calling; they didn’t but we were ready if they had.

There was no entertainment in town yesterday, which is a shame really. The council has managed to get some pretty good bands to play the town over the years. Perhaps they thought it was too cold? Well, I wasn’t at cold, even on my scooter, and I saw quite few guys walking around in shirt selves, so no, it wasn’t too cold. Something else that was marked by their absence, was the lack of Poppy sellers. I’m sure in the past they have been on duty early October. Maybe next weekend.

For Reading Addicts is a Facebook group I take a regular part in. One way I take part is in writing book reviews. Just now I have posted the latest one on Peter James book Billionaire, I mentioned it a few days ago, and finished it last night. I’ve yet to read one of his books that I haven’t enjoyed, so much so that while I was in WH Smiths yesterday I saw another of his I hadn’t read, A Twist of the Knife, a collection of short stories. That should be last of his books I needed to buy to keep up with him.

Seeing as I was in town on me scooter, I had a look in The Works. That shop was the only one that hadn’t gone ghosty-mad. However, it has gone Christmas mad, so much so that their normal 3 for a fiver offer was gone. Some of the same books were there but now priced at £3 each, that works out at over a £1 increase. I left them alone. I left there and had a look in HMV but none of the DVDs really caught my attention. In the end I got bored with riding about with no purpose so after buying some fruit and a rather nice looking savoy cabbage, I headed back home.

Today’s photo then …

The moon through the trees, taken just down the street from us.      

Today’s funny …

How many doctors does it take to screw in a light bulb?
That depends on whether it has health insurance

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