Friday, 7 December 2012

A car park, 'barrier' nursing, and nearly time for a shower

7 December 2012

Yesterday we had visitors from the council; we were expecting them though.  They had arrived to measure up and plan our new level access shower.  Two of them went through to the bathroom to draw up the rough plans while the third sat with us and went through the colour schemes available and to talk us through what the work entails.  The job will start in the new year; couldn't be quick enough for us!  But I'm puzzled by it.  It is supposed to be a 'level access' shower right?  So why will it have a sunken tray and need a pump to remove the water?  Surely it will cost more doing it that way instead of just laying a non-slip flooring with the drainage at one end of the room?  Ah well ... ... ...

There's a small car park in the Abbey Green area of Dorktown, maybe 25 spaces in it.  The council drew up plans to begin charging to park there.  Abbey Green is a densely populated area where the front doors most of the houses open in straight onto the street.  The house are fairly small too.  So for car owners that car park has become a real benefit for them.  The council's plan came as a bit of a shock.  It's not just the residents though.  The most popular butcher in town has his shop there along with a carpet supplier, a computer repair shop and an off licence.  They all joined together to fight the plan - and they have won!  Well done those folks!

A few days ago I reported about the new barrier being installed at the Hussy hospital to stop the rat run from taking a short cut through the hospital grounds.  Well, the work has begun and the rat run is closed!  But so are most of the hospital wards still closed due to the noro-virus.  This latest outbreak seems to be taking a long time to get on top of.  Luckily for Jan she didn't have to go anywhere near the wards yesterday for her appointment.  The person who did the test said that they were not allowed to give out the results and Jan now has another appointment for a week tomorrow; yes on a Saturday.  Who'da funk it eh?

It's a really nice sunny day out there today - but very cold and windy.  It is not a day I will be going out in.  Anyway, Pip-pup is still too young to be left alone I think and Jan will be off this afternoon to pick up Kile for the weekend.  So one of us will need to be here with Pip.  She's coming on very well too.  She's already asking to be taken outside when she needs to go out although we are still getting the odd little accident from her.  Whatever, she has certainly settled down well here.  She is eating and drinking well, running around like a demon yapping at anything and everything.  One thing we are a tad concerned about is that she is very cowed when I call her or pick her up.  We're hoping she wasn't hurt or knocked about in any way where we got her from.

Now let's see if I can find a photo ... well, yes, I know I can without having to go and look first.  This is ... 

Sally-pup, our golden bitzer!

And today's funny from the funny farm ...

A woman was having an affair while her husband was at work. One day she was in bed with her boyfriend when, to her horror, she heard her husband's car pull into the driveway.  "Oh My God - Hurry! Grab your clothes," she yelled to her lover. "And jump out the window. My husband's home early!"
"I can't jump out the window!" came the strangled reply from beneath the sheets. "It's raining out there!"
"If my husband catches us in here, he'll kill us both!" she replied.  "He's got a very quick temper and a very large gun! The rain is the least of your problems!"  So the boyfriend scoots out of bed, grabs his clothes and jumps out the window!  As he began running down the street in the pouring rain, he quickly discovered he had run right into the middle of the town's annual marathon.  He started running along beside the others about 300 of them.
Being naked, with his clothes tucked under his arm, he tried to "blend in" as best he could.
It wasn't that effective!
After a little while, a small group of runners, who had been studying him with some curiosity, jogged closer.  "Do you always run in the nude?" one asked.
"Oh yes" he replied, gasping in air. "It feels so wonderfully free having the air blow over all your skin while you're running."
Another runner moved alongside. "Do you always run carrying your clothes under your arm?"
"Oh, yes" our friend answered breathlessly. "That way I can get dressed right at the end of the run and get in my car to go home!"
Then a third runner cast his eyes a little lower and queried. "Do you always wear a condom when you run?"
"Only if it's raining."

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