Monday, 10 September 2012

Not often, RR and politians

10 September 2012

What a difference a day makes.  No sun and blue skies today, instead we have cloud giving us a fall in temperature but more to the point for us snappers, a flat light making snapping very hard indeed.  Luckily DSLRs have a white balance  that helps out here and allows us to get reasonable shots even in such conditions.  All I need to do now is to clean the sensor before I go out - if I go out that is.

Politians are all the same aren't they?  It doesn't matter what party they belong to, they seem to think that they are above the rules and get away with anything they want, even more so when they are part of the majority party in power.  Well, a Labour councillor here in Dorktown has been suspended from the party for two years.  There's no clear reason for the suspension although bullying is mentioned as a possible cause.  I don't know the man personally so I can't say anything about that; but for the national Party to suspend someone there has to be a pretty good reason. 

Some years ago there used to be pub called the Merivale in Dorktown.  Prior to that is was called the Dougdale - or Drugdale as the locals called it seeing it was always being raided by the cops.  Well, I was sat in the Merival one night and sat at another table not far from me was a group of men, all pretty well plastered from the Brew XI they were drinking.  One of them was being really obnoxious and making crude comments to all the young women who came in or were leaving.  Another guy at the same table as me saw me shake my head of the antics of the loud mouth one time.  My table-mate said, "You do know who he is don't you?"  Seeing me shake my head he said, "Would believe he is the town Mayor?"  What a manor for such a high profile person to behave.  It's yet another reason to be wary over what our politians say to us methinks.

A few weeks ago as I was driving home I saw a number of fire appliances stopped outside an industrial on Attleborough Fields.  There didn't seem to be any sign of a fire though.  The result for me was that I forgot all about until one day Jan was in the car with me and I pointed the place out to her.  At that point I then noticed the Rolls Royce logo on the side of the building.  That was a surprise.  I had no idea we had such a high end company with a plant within the borough.  I can't remember what the unit name was prior to that though.

Jan is a very brave lady you know!  At 10.30 this morning she has an appointment at the dentist.  That is one thing I do not do!  Dentists a no-go area for me.  The last time I went to see one he took out one tooth and I was laid up for the rest of the day.  Yes I know, I'm a wose over it ;-)))

A photo from the last lot I took then ... 

a window cleaner up his ladder.  I think he is the guy who does our windows.  He's only been here once in the time we've been here and I didn't see him so can't say for sure. 

Nothing from the Rochdale Sage today so it's back to a funny ...

An elderly couple had been dating for some time. Finally they decided it
might be time for marriage. But before tying the knot, they went out for
a heart to heart talk over dinner about whether it would really work out.
They discussed finances, living arrangements, snoring, and so on.
Finally, the gentleman decided it was time to broach the subject of
their physical relationship.
"How do you feel about sex?" he asked, rather trustingly.
Well," she said, responding very carefully, "I'd have to say
that I would like it infrequently."
The old gentleman sat quietly for a moment. Then looking over his
glasses, he casually asked, "Was that one word or two?"              

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