Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Energy bills, no gas and a death warrant

19 September 2012

Just typing today's date has reminded me that today was Dave's birthday.  When we were kids I well remember him claiming that he was older than me because his birthday was in September and mine is in October.  Funny how things come back to you isn't it? 

A few years ago we used buy our energy from EON.  Jan did a service and found another one called OVA.  At the time we were paying around £120 a month to EON and it was their demand for an extra £20 odd that made us look for a cheaper supplier.  When we started off with OVA we were delighted that they only wanted £60 a month for both gas and electricity.  Jan phoned them, asking if we were paying enough to cover the winter bills as well as the summer bills.  We were assured that we were paying enough to cover both.  Then we decided to move here and the final bill arrived from OVA; nearly £500.  To say we were shocked is an understatement.  Now we are off those arrears as well as our current usage of electricity alone.  We don't have gas in our flat, just as none of the other ground floor flats.  But hang on a mo ...

I was speaking to one of our neighbours yesterday and she was asking if we had any large holes in the paths around out flat.  Kath has one right outside the side window of her flat.  She asked the men who dug the hole what is for and they said they were looking for gas leaks.  Gas leaks?  I thought no of us have gas in these blocks of flats but appartantly the upstairs flats do have a gas supply.  Kath told me she asked to have a gas supply fitted and it was refused on safety grounds.  But surely gas in the upstairs flats could well be just as much a safety issue as in the ground floor flats.  The council doesn't think so.  Ah well ... ... ...

It's market day again today.  We're not due to go out, having a quiet day in.  Since Jan's scooter packed up a week or so ago we now only have mine which means we can't go out together. which is a bit of bind really.  We are in the process of getting another one but it's slow going.  The sooner we get one the better for us.  At least then we will be able to get birding together then. 

One of the Yahoo groups I belong to is about British birding.  I have my setting sorted so that I get emails every time someone posts to the board.  The other day I had from a guy who lives fairly close to Dorktown.  he was out birding locally and came across a ruddy duck.  Well, ruddy ducks are getting very rare in the UK these days after some nutter decided that should be shot on because of supposed danger to the Spanish white duck.  The birder concerned will not tell anyone where he saw the bird because of the death warrant that is still in place for them.  Sadly even the RSPB agreed to the policy.  So instead of cross breeding with the white duck, I wonder if the odd one left will begin to cross breed with A British duck.  Now if it was a death warrant for Canada geese, I know a lot of birders who would be in favour of it.  Anglers would like to see cormorants eradicated from inland waterways but they are being ignored thankfully.  It's all very subjective to my mind.  We all have our own favourite bird.  For me it's the coot, for Jan the jackdaw.  See, what is your favourite bird?

So today's is this one ... 

a coot and its chick.  I do have one of a ruddy duck but can't find it.

And today's funny ...
A drunken man walks into a biker bar, sits down at the bar and orders a drink.
Looking around, he sees three men sitting at a corner table. He gets up, staggers to the table, leans over, looks the biggest, meanest, biker in the face and says: "I went by your grandma's house today and I saw her in the hallway buck naked. Man, she is one fine looking woman!"
The biker looks at him and doesn't say a word. His buddies are confused, because he is one bad biker and would fight at the drop of a hat.
The drunk leans on the table again and says: "I got it on with your grandma and she is good, the best I ever had!" The biker's buddies are starting to get really mad but the biker still says nothing.
The drunk leans on the table one more time and says, "I'll tell you something else, boy, your grandma liked it!"
At this point the biker stands up, takes the drunk by the shoulders looks him square in the eyes and says...................
"Grandpa,....... Go home, you're drunk.     

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