Sunday, 9 September 2012

New camera, pills 'n potions and a day out

9 September 2012

As I said on Friday, we did get out to Blacktoft Sands yesterday and we had a very good day - even if Jan's scooter finally gave up.  The drive had been making an awful noise for some time now and it finally failed yesterday as we were heading back to the car.  All it's worth now is scrap metal value.  Jan will see it that while she is out tomorrow after her dentist appointment.  We also got back at a reasonable time too, just before 7'o'clock.  I was very tired by that time too, we both were really.  Both of us slept like logs too.

The only real downer yesterday was the photos I took.  None of yesterday's shots are really worth doing anything with - apart from the one of Jan I got.  I do have a couple of others from earlier in the week on that card that may be worthwhile.  Maybe I shall go over to Brum later in the week and see what I can do over there.  There are a couple of panoramic shots there and several in Coventry that I'd like to get.

One of the down side of yesterday's photo efforts is that I am now doubting if  I should upgrade to a new camera in a few weeks.  The next question though is which one I would go for.  I have a hankering for the Sony A77 seeing as I already have the lenses for it.  However, it is a lot heavier than my current A350.  The Nikon D7000 is good but I would need to buy new lenses for it thereby increasing the cost.  The other downside is that its rear is fixed whereas I like them to be articulated.  The other option for me is the new Olympus OM-D-EM, a compact camera system.  Nice camera based on the old OM1 35mm camera body, one I always fancied but could never afford.  Weight-wise it is the lightest of them all, but lenses would need to be bought here as well.  Oh the choices I have! 

I was hoping to get down to London today so I could go to the South Bank where AP is holding a series of info/tuition events.  While we there last week I found out that Paralympic marathon would be using part of the Embankment as part of the course.  That would mean I wouldn't be able to get anywhere near there to park.  Never mind, in that case I don't mind not getting there for that reason.  But I do mind when they close off a load of disabled parking bays for some of the royal leeches that run around the place!

Jan and I can't use our current bath.  Neither of us can get in and out of it for various reasons.  With me I'm too broad across the beam ;-)))  Even if Jan was able to pull herself out of it she wouldn't fit in it because it is far too short in length.  When we got back yesterday there was a letter from the OT  reporting  on the meeting we had here a couple of weeks ago.  He says in that document that the bath is a lot shorter than the average bath.  This is a two story block; the upstairs are general purpose flats for anyone, the ground floor are known as 'supported' flats for people who may need such support occasionally.  So here's a question then ... why has the Council allowed such a short bath to be installed into a property for tenants with disabilities or medical needs.  Doesn't make sense to me ... but there again, most things that the council does very rarely make any sense.

Right then - I've just spent 15 minutes sorting out the photos from yesterday.  I actually got 5 reasonable shots!  Here's the one of Jan ...

 ... and here's a lapwing ...

While we were out yesterday, The Rochdale Sage has sent another poem.  This one asks a question I have always wondered about!

A row of bottles on my shelf
Caused me to analyze myself.
One yellow pill I have to pop
Goes to my heart so it won't stop.

A little white one that I take
Goes to my hands so they won't shake.
The blue ones that I use a lot
Tell me I'm happy when I'm not.

The purple pill goes to my brain
And tells me that I have no pain.
The capsules tell me not to wheeze
Or cough or choke or even sneeze.

The red ones, smallest of them all
Go to my blood so I won't fall.
The orange ones, very big and bright
Prevent my leg cramps in the night.

Such an array of brilliant pills
Helping to cure all kinds of ills.
But what I'd really like to know...
Is what tells each one where to go!    

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