Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Lots of photos today ....

27 July 2011
I have at long last got around to sorting out my photos from Sunday.  My main camera is a Sony Alpha 350 and I always shoot in RAW format.  Normally I have there but to sit and go through all the images converting the ones I like or think are worth working with and saving them as JPEGs ready to work on later in Photoshop.  I know the Sony software allows me to do it all but I haven’t been able to get on with it.  Anyway ...

I have a copy of Elements 7 here too and I’ve found that it will convert the Sony RAW files and save them to PSD files and I can work on them when I like.  So today I did just that and I was finished with it all in the same amount of time it takes me just to convert them in the Sony Software.
My photo interest are pretty wide so please allow me to post a selection here for you.  To start with here’s me ...  

There's a lift that allows disabled folk to get down to the canal toepath and that was great to find on Sunday.  Last time I had to use a really bad path-way that shook me up badly.  You can't see my scooter in this shot but I am on it - honest ;-)))

Fout shots from around the Gas Street Basin are f Brum.  It's quiet nice around there and you may be lucky (or unlucky depending on your view point) in bumping inot Nick Owen in the area.

Fist pint of the day, a pint of Discovery in the Old Joint Stock, a Fullers pub opposite the cathedral.  I also had my car parked outside there too.

Two shots of teh catherdral then.

Ah yes, this one!  Have thought about we ever got on when we didn't have mobile phones?  This lass came into the pubwhere I had lunch and sat down with her pint of larger and started talking on the phone within seconds of sitting down.  She was still at as she left the pub half hour later!  I'm puzzled by it.  Why is it that some people just can't live without talking to someone.  When I'm out about about shooting I have my phone turned off so I'm not disturbed, then I turn it on and let the wife know all is OK.  It's the smae with car radios ... I rarely have mine on.  When I do its at news time and then it goes off again straight after.  Again, why is it that some folk just can't be alone with their thoughts?  Are they afraid to have to be alone with them?  If so, why?

My pint of Incubus in the Shakespear, another city centre pub that is very good and very popular.

The Town Hall and the fluzzy, Victoria Square.

It’s very cloudy today, not a good one for snapping really.  In any case we are expecting visitors later today.  We have sold our tent and camping gear on Ebay, neither of us is up to erecting it these days.  We’ve got it all sorted ready for them but one of us has to stay in until they arrive to collect it.  Next up is my spotting scope and tripod, again being sold because of their weight and my inability to carry it.  Shame really because it a good set-up.  The cash raised will got towards a holiday in Blackpool next month (we’re hoping to move up there soon), and a new lappy for me.  My current one is OK I suppose but its very slow and it has a rather small hard disc.   

I think that will do for today.  My daily quota of writing done ... although I will no doubt get some more done later as well.  I’ve started book #3 with a working title  of Moonshot.  We’ll see ... ... ... ...     


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