17 July 2011
Sunday morning again and another week has gone by and nothing has really been done or happened of any consequence here in Dorktown. One day something will happen and wake us all up from our sleepy existence.
According to the Sunday Express Tony Blair is responsible for the wrongful and forceful adoption of thousands of children. If that is right and he is to blame and there is proof of it, then instead of bleating about it in the papers his, accusers should be seeking to take legal action to redress the situation. Of course, TB won’t have any blame on his shoulders; it will be the government that will have to answer for what went on. However, the courts could make it very clear that the PM at the time was ultimately responsible. That won’t help those who had their families ripped apart nor will it help the kids involved. There’s no way that can be rectified to everyone’s satisfaction and I wish I had the answer to it all.
Jan and I were stilling here quietly this morning, me reading the paper, Jan reading her book, when suddenly there was the sound of a large diesel engine starting up and revving loudly. Jan went out to have a look and saw a fire tender parked up about half way down the street with another one at the bottom of the street. The revving engine was winding in the hose reel that had been used to extinguish a fire in the rear extension of a house 10 or 12 doors down from us. By the looks of it the fire had a good hold before they turned up but we didn’t see or hear the fire service arrive. Obviously they made a quiet entrance to the street, no need for the two-tones ... thankfully, we both need our beauty sleep - me more than Jan ;-)))
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