Wednesday, 22 August 2012

To catch a train, GPs and a cops show

22 August 2012

After her birthday Jan has come down with a stinker of a head cold.  Where she picked that up from we have no idea.  Our day in ended cos I had to go and buy her some Lemon Slip capsules, the only cold medicine she likes.  Still, I was only out for around 15 minutes anyway.

Yesterday I was at the doctors yet again.  Last month I had to see one about two of my scripts on my repeat needed to be authorised.  I forgot about it, hence yesterday's visit.  Once I got to the pharmacy we went through them and found another one that will need to be done after next month - so I shall need another appointment for that one.  It doesn't end there either; they are only issuing them in 4 months blocks instead of the older 12 month bocks.  It all adds to extra costs and inconvenience for the patient so next time I am there I shall be asking them about it, see if they can be done in such a way as they all come for renewal at the same time, and hopefully for longer than 4 bloomin' months!

So Bed'th got its gold post box because Nick Skelton was born in the town - but was he really?  It's acceptable if he was born at home but most births around the time he was born were happening at the Hussy Hospital, in Dorktown, not Bed'th.  I won't be making a fuss over it though.

According to BBC Midlands Today last night West Midlands Police are being issued with portable finger print scanners.  The Beeb said it was all new but I remember seeing them on a number of the reality cop shows on telly, so they are not all that new really.  If they are being issued to all officers then yes, that is new.  From what I saw last night they based on a Blackberry and that is different to the ones I've seen before.  So maybe they are new I suppose.  But what happens if someone claims that the name that comes up on one of them isn't their name, as I saw once on show?  The officer concerned is then still taken away from his normal duties to take the suspect into the station for further investigation.  It could well turn out to be an expensive waste of time and effort.

Good old Dr Beaching closed the Dorktown - Coventry railway line when he swung his fabled axe.  After years of effort the line was re-opened sometime in the 1990s.  Now there are plans to build two new stations, one at Bermuda by the industrial/leisure estate, and the second one by the Ricoh Arena.  Now Warwickshire County Council are delaying it even more so they can visit the Bermuda site.  There will be a lot of folks hoping they don't reject the plan or delay even more. Me, well, I don't use the train these days so it won't have any effect on me and my life.

Today's photo then ... 

This one of a number of such properties on the Norfolk coast at Wintering-on-Sea.  The only other place I have seen things like this was in Kenya in the 70's. 

And today's funny ...

A rather well-proportioned Blonde, spent almost all of her vacation sunbathing on the roof of her hotel. She wore a bathing suit the first day, but on the second, she decided that no one could see her way up there, and she slipped out of it for an overall tan.
She'd hardly begun when she heard someone running up the stairs.  She was lying on her stomach, so she just pulled a towel over her rear. "Excuse me, miss," said the flustered assistant manager of the hotel, out of breath from running up the stairs.  "The Hilton doesn't mind your sunbathing on the roof, but we would very much appreciate your wearing a bathing suit as you did yesterday."
"What difference does it make?" Sarah asked rather calmly. "No one can
see me up here, and besides, I'm covered with a towel."
"Not exactly," said the embarrassed man. "You're lying on the dining room skylight."        

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