Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Women, offers and no pay

17 July 2012

Another busy day today.  First off my Golf had to go in for servicing so from there I made my way on the scooter into town to get to the GP for just after 10am.  Shopping followed and I finally just back home in time to see Jan as she headed out the door for an appointment for an MRI scan.  After that it was a case sitting and waiting for the Golf to be brought back, but I used Jan's Picasso to go and get my new prescription filled.  Now I'm stealing a few minutes while I'm waiting for dinner to cook.  Jan is due out later this evening for her bible study group.  Roll on tomorrow, we can have a rest.

Council employees number 800 didn't get paid the other day.  Warwickshire County Council apparently do the pay roles for all the councils and somehow they have had a big hick-up in the system and no-one got paid.  Sounds like fun eh?  I wonder who will take the blame for that one.

Did you know that still photography is banned in Muppet Centre?  Well, it is; so I'm wondering why Austin Mitchell, one of the Muppet Persons down there manages to get away with not only taking a photo but also entering into a competition!  Surely he is subject to the same rules as we are?  If not, why not?

I did a viewing last Saturday seeing as the last buyer pulled out.  They came around and had a good look round made an offer and I accepted it.  Then they asked if they should pay the funds there and then.  I got excited so I could go and get plastered with it seeing as it was supposed to be a cash sale.  Then yesterday they pulled out!  I don't believe some of these people, I really don't.  Their excuse is that they don't have enough money; so why did they offer to pay us last Saturday?  I'm now wondering if they are hoping to come back with a lower offer.  They will be out of luck if they do seeing as we shook hands on his offer!  I have another viewing on Friday at 1pm and hopefully more during the week.

So then, today's photo is again from London, but not from Sunday.   

I got this one a few years back.

And a funny then ...

An English professor wrote the words, "woman without her man is a savage" on the blackboard and directed his students to punctuate it correctly.
The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is a savage."
The women wrote: "Woman: Without her, man is a savage."

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