Friday, 27 July 2012

Blondes, Olympics and cameras

27 July 2012

At long last we have finished at the house.  A charity arrived and collect the last few bits of furniture left in there, the keys were hand over to the estate agent and the council have been informed that the house is now empty.  Now we can relax a bit, take our time and finish unpacking.  And best of all - I can get some writing done!

While we were in the council I watched as two young women came in, both with  babies and pushing a second one in a pushchair.  Nothing strange about that as  such but you should have seen the size of those two women.  They were both taller than me but they were both well over 20st in weight.  I wonder how much of a chance the kids will have with mums that large?  I'm obese, yes I know that.  But in my case it was being greedy and being a heavy drinker years ago as well as being a lazy sod who didn't do a lot of exercise.  Now at the age of 64 I'm paying the price for it.  I worry about so many of the 20-30 year olds and how large they are.  They won't see 64 if they continue as they are!

I popped into Jessops while I was in town today.  The sensor in my Alpha 350 needs cleaning and I want to know how much a cleaning kit would cost.  I was surprised to find that it was only £15; I shall have one of those tomorrow.  While I was there I had a play with Nikon D7000 DSLR.  I've been tossing as to have one of those or new Sony Alpha 77.  Now I know!  The Nikon doesn't have an articulated rear screen, the Sony does.  Because of me using a scooter so often I really do need that articulated back screen.  So sorry Nikon, Sony wins this one.  The added benefit of course is that I have all the lenses for the Sony system apart from a macro lens.  The overall cost shouldn't be anywhere near as much as a new Nikon.

Mind you, I do like the new Olympus OM - D ... ... ...

So the big day is here at last.  The Olympic Games officially open this evening.  We will be sitting up to watch the ceremony and have even bought some booze to have while it's on.  I do make a big think of not liking sport but in reality it's the silly football, tennis and cricket that drives me up the wall.  It's more to do with the so called fans really.  They get so wound up over it don't they, they cry if their team loses the silly prats!  Come on, get real, it a game not a national emergency for God's sake!  Anyway we will probably watch the swimming and the cycling and maybe the rowing and sailing, we'll see.

Now where is my damned Nikon Coolpix?  Ah, got it, after hunting all over the flat for it I finally found hiding behind my lappy screen ;-)))  

A couple of busker in the town centre - not very good ones either!

And so a funny ...

The complaint letter from Judi:
We blonds at the ofise are tired of all the the dum stoopid jokes about us. We think this is hairassment. It causes us grate stress and makes our roots turn dark. We have hired a loyer and he is talking to the loyers at Clairol. We will take this all the way to the supream cort if we have two. Juj Thomas knos all about hairassment and he will be on are side.
We have also talked to the govner to make a new law to stop this pursicushun.
We want a law that makes peepol tell brewnet jokes as much as blond jokes and every so often a red head joke. If we don't get our way we will not date anybody that ain't blond and we will make up jokes about you and we will laff.
Sined by the blonds at the ofise (sine with a penseel so you can erace it if you make a mistake)                

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