Saturday, 14 July 2012

French toast, affairs and drugs again

14 July 2012

Tomorrow I'm having a day off and I'm off out to do photo snapping, probably around the Tower of London or the museum area, not sure which yet.  Right now I'm snatching a few minutes to type this up before I go back to the house for a viewing at 2pm.  It seems like I have plenty of time, indeed I have a good bit but I want to do few jobs around the place before they arrive.  There's another viewing booked for 1pm on Monday too.  I'm surprised they couldn't do it today seeing as they only live at the bottom of the street, we know them well and have been friends for a few now.  They want the house for their son who got married not so long ago; they asked me to do some of the wedding photos for them at the time.  I'm pretty sure they will buy it so I'm not too worried at the moment.

The Dorktown Telegraph is here and the front page is taken up with a report on a massive police raid on an estate in Coventry.  It seems to have been a success too seeing as the caught one man with 61 wraps of cocaine in his house.  I really can't understand why these people need the stuff to function.  What makes them start taking the drugs in the first place.  Is it depression?  Well I get depressed too but I don't use the muck.  Is it peer pressure?  I was once put under a good bit of pressure while serving in Kenya but I don't get involved.  Surely I can't be money worries!  If it is all they are doing is adding to that pressure.  Nope, can't understand it at all.

The French Revolution is a fascinating time in history.  One of its effects was to send a lot of the French aristos over here to Britain.  I'm not sure that we actually gained all that much from it though; remember, Napoleon came to power after the revolution and look how much hassle he caused the whole of Europe at that time.  The trigger of it all happened when the Bastille was stormed and burnt to the ground on this day in 1789.  See, this is a history blog as well and me an me mumblings ;-)))
No French photos but I do have this one ... 

... of Tamworth Castle.  Tamworth is in Staffordshire, straight up the A5, about 15 miles from Dorktown.  We have been there a few times and it's not a bad little town at all, well worth a visit if you are ever in the area.

A Saturday funny ...

An elderly couple are sitting around one evening and the man says to his wife, "Marsha, we are about to celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary.  We've had a wonderful life together, full of contentment and blessings. But there's something I've always wondered about. Tell me the truth.  Have you ever been unfaithful to me?"
She hesitated a moment, then said, "Yes, Sidney, three times."
"Three times? How could that happen?" Sidney asks. Marsha replied, "Well, do you remember right after we were married and we were so broke that the bank was about to foreclose on our little house?"
"Yes, dear, those were really difficult times," replied Sidney. "And remember when I went to see the banker one night, and the next day the bank extended our loan?"
"Gosh, that's really hard to take," said Sidney. "But since things were so
bad at the time, I guess I can forgive you. What was the second time?"
"Well," Marsha continued, "do you remember years later when you almost
died of that heart problem because we couldn't afford an operation?"
"Yes, of course," said Sidney. "Then you will remember that right after I went to see the doctor, he performed the operation at no cost?"
"Yes, I remember," said Sidney, "and as much as that shocks me!, I do understand that you did what you did out of love for me, so I forgive you.
So, what was the third time?"
Marsha lowered her head and said, "Do you remember when you ran for president of your golf club and you needed 62 more votes?"

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