Sunday, 14 August 2011

Lazy Sunday afternoon

14 August 2011

Sundays are usually the day that I go off on my own to do photography and birding and so on.  Today however I have spent the day at home.  Next month Jan and I are going off to Blackpool for a few days.  Several reasons for going there.    We are planning to move there eventually when we are able to sell our current home, so we'll be able to have a good look at the properties in the area.  We've seen a few we like on the 'net so now it's time to go have look at them first hand.  The thing is, while I'm running around the place taking photos I'm spending loads of dosh, dosh we may need next month so I'm staying for a few Sundays.

So I've had to fill my time today.  That's easy really.  After breakfast and a shower I continued the proof reading of The Mission.  It's slow going and after 90 minutes I had only completed another 40 pages - only 480 to go.  At 2pm I came down from the study and started cooking Sunday dinner, Roast Beef today.  It was the best piece of beef we've had for a long time, very nice indeed.  While it was cooking I started doing a bit of writing as well.

So there I am say wondering which one to work on.  I have 7 or 8 already started and I needed to decide which will be number 3.  Eventually I plumbed for the very first one I started with in January this year with the working title of Happyman.    I'm still not sure what direction it will travel but basically it will be another murder story - sort of ;-)))

Whatever ... there's a decent wildlife programme on BBC2 right now and I want to watch it without distraction.

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