Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Hot and cold all over

9 November

The last two days I have been feeling very rough indeed. Monday evening I found the cause when I went to take my night dose of pills; I hadn’t taken my morning dose. It shows I am not yet ready to come off any of my pills yet. Yesterday I felt about the same but at least I did take my pills at the right time.

Did you see the queues to vote over in the States on the news last night? However, why there is such a turn out is debateable. Was it because they objected to a woman POTUS, or was it because they didn’t want Trump as POTUS? Or it might be that there are so many people living over there that they have to queue. Whatever the reason, I’d bet our muppets here wished our turnout was as high as those pictures seemed to show.  

It amazes me that here in the UK that so few of us bother to vote here, only 65% last year. Perhaps it’s our way of showing the muppets what we really think of them. They just don’t seem to get the message do they? Do you remember last year when Daft Dave was accused of waffling and how red faced he was it? And don’t forget 2010 and Gloopy Gordon forget he had a mike on and called a woman a bigot that went out on the radio. These sorts of gaffs don’t do any muppet any good at all. Anyway, back to the US …

It looks like Farter got the top job. Pretty soon after that came out, Canada’s immigration website crashed, at least that is what I read earlier but can’t find it now. But the question is, was it because of a technical fault, or was it because so many US citizens want out of a country run by Farter? If so, there might be large number of cheap houses on the market over there, perhaps leading to yet another financial crash; I don’t know but someone will the there to pick it all up and make a killing. We all need to hope he doesn’t bankrupt the country as he’s done to so many of companies. Don’t forget, whatever happens over there will have an affect on us over here before too long.

We are due to go out for a few hours today but its rather dark and miserable out there. We’ll leave it till after lunch before we go anywhere. The market won’t be visited today at least. In weather like this that is one job I wouldn’t like, and it can only get worse when the temperature drops below freezing. Nope, not for me at all. Our heating has been on for a few weeks now but getting it balanced is proving hard. That’s down to Jan though; she will seem comfortable and then within minutes she is sweltering. Pretty soon after that she is freezing. All day she is bouncing from one to t’ther. I know what is causing it though, so I have a cardie to hand to slip on or off as we go through the day.

That’s it for today then; today’s photo …

A lizard.

Today’s funny …

How many DIY buffs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Only one, but it takes him two weekends and three trips to the hardware store.

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