Health, warmth and dreams
14 November
Now that’s a shocker! I’ve just had the results letter after the psychological
assessment I had done a few months ago. It seems I have ‘vascular MCI’, which
in easy terms means my memory isn’t as good as it once was. I already knew
that! The shocker came when I looked up MCI on the NHS website and found it
listed as part of the dementia listings. As it happens, I’m due to see my GP at
3.30 this afternoon so I can find out more about it then. Jan however, isn’t
concerned at all. She says that all my memory problems cleared up after the B12
injections started, we shall see this afternoon.
In 1998/9 I had an accident while I was in a B&B in Southend. I
managed to slip while having a shower. The landlady wasn’t happy cos I managed
to pull down part of the shower curtain and broke a few plastic rings at the
same time. She thought I was drunk so she challenged me over it. Not liking her
attitude, I told her to make sure her insurance was up to date. The next day I
drove up to Ipswich and met up with Jan and then we went camping for the
weekend with her sister. By the time we had packed the tent away on the Sunday,
I knew I had a real problem. Luckily Jan had her provisional licence by then
and the L pates were on the car, so she drove home all the way from Aldeburgh.
I had managed to crush the bottom disc in my back and had to have an
operation to sort it out. I did actually sue the hotel and when my damages and
the first thing I did was to when the cheque arrived was to head off to Mallorca
for a week, again by myself. I came back from there with a burst blood vessel in
my left eye. From that I learned I had diabetes, and that was where things
really did fall apart me with my health. Now this latest one, is yet another to
add to list. Our excitement about a possible move abroad, only a dream I know,
is now totally shattered. We couldn’t afford the health care over there. Oh,
the plans of mice and men …
As it is, we are quite happy living here anyway, and we had decided that
we would not move away from here anyway. But we all have our dreams don’t we
and living in Mallorca was ours. I could see the warmth out there helping both
of us with our aches and pains, which would be nice, it really would. But the
more I think about it, the less I fancy the stress that would have to deal
with. No folks, I think we doomed to remain here in Dorktown. And speaking of
warmth …
Last night while we were lying reading, we were getting warmer as time went
on. The temp was 24.6 when we went through, but pretty soon it had risen to
28.8. Jan had set the thermostat for the 20 we normally leave it at. The radiators
were blazing away again this morning too, even though the stat was turned well
down. A quick call top the council will sort it out for us. Our flat is on a
district heating system and pay a flat rate of £7 a week for it, no matter how
much we use it. That means we will never be cold while we are living here.
I had another real dream again last night/this morning time. Tom and I
were stuck in Bed’th waiting for Jan to go and fetch the car for us. I found a
John Collier shop and was trying to find material for a new suite, but the shop
had pools of water all over it. I forgot that and put down my camera and forgot
where I put it. Tom found it and gave it back to me but the lens kept falling
off, and not just the lens to the whole front end, but there was nothing behind
the lens. We set off looking for Jan and couldn’t find her. She turned up when
our door bell sounded … at which point I was awake too of course. Dreams eh … …
Today’s photo …
A ‘Boring’ airplane.
Today’s funny …
What do you get if you cross a large jet airliner
with an accountant?
A Boring 747.
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